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A: David, you play the cello, don t you?

A: 戴维,你拉大提琴,是吧?

B: I did it for about six years. But I haven t practiced much since I came to college. Why do you ask?

B: 我已经拉了六年了。但是自从到了大学以后,就没练。为什么问我这些呀?

A: I m signing up for a noncredit string ensemble course that meets once a week on Wednesday night. We have several violoncellist, viola and two bass players, but only one cello.

A: 我刚报名参加了不论学分的弦类乐器合奏课程,每周三晚上练习一次。我们有几个小提琴和中提琴演奏者,两个贝思手,但只有一个大提琴演奏者。

B: Who s directing the group?

B: 谁是领导?

A: Janet Hanson. Maybe you ve heard of her. She plays violin in the city orchestra, and she also directs three other small local music groups.

A: 珍妮特·汉森。或许你听说过她。她在市里的乐队里拉小提琴,而且她还领导了其他三个小的地方乐队。

B: Mm, I have my cello here, but I think I would need to do a lot of work before my playing would sound any good at all.

B: 嗯,我的大提琴就在这里,可是,我想,我需要练一段时间,才能拉好。

A: Miss Hanson will give individual instruction as well as teach us as a group. There are only ten of us now. Try to join us. We are all on the intermediate level. And anyway you won t get a grade for the course.

A: 汉森小姐不光会教整个组演奏,还会进行个别辅导。现在我们只有 10个成员。加入我们吧。我们都是中级水平,不过学这个课不给学分哦。

B: I ll tell you what. I ll play a little this evening and see how it goes.

B: 我会告诉你我的决定的。今晚我就拉拉看,看情况怎样?

A: I m sure you ll be fine, I ll expect to see you at seven o clock tomorrow in room 14at the arts building. I hope you can come to our regular meeting.

A: 我肯定你会不错的。希望明晚 7点在艺术楼 14号教室见到你。你可以参加我们的例会。

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