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S: Is there anything I could help you with sir?先生,有什么能为您效劳吗?

C: Yes,could you show me to your coat section?有的。你能领我去外套部吗?

S: This way,please.先生,请跟我来。正合心意

C: Oh,these are exactly what I'm looking for.噢,这些正是我要找的。

S: These are French coats,sir. They are quite fashionable these days.先生,这些是法国外套,最近相当流行。取出适合客人尺寸的样式

C: I'd like to try them on for size.我想试穿看看我的尺寸。

S: How does that fit,sir?这件适合吗?

C: This seems to be my size.这件好象合我的尺寸。

S: It looks good on you.您穿起来很合适。

C: Do you really think this so?你真的这样想吗?

S: I'd get it myself if I could.如果可能的话,我自己也要把它买下来。

C: Alright,I'll get it.好吧,我买来了。

S: Is there anything you want,sir?先生,您要买些什么?

C: I can't make up my mind whether to buy this dark checkered suit or this maroon colored one?我不能决定是买这套黑色方格主服还是这套茶色的。

S: Let me take your measurements,sir. I'm afraid our ready-made sizes are just a little too small for you. We could fit you in trousers,but the coat would be a little narrow in the shouders.先生,让我帮您看看。恐怕成衣的尺寸对您而言稍微小了点。我们的裤子合您穿,但外套的肩会有点窄。



C: Can I just try one on?我可以试穿一件吗?

S: Cerainly,sir. Let me just help you put it on.先生,当然可以,让我帮您穿上吧。

C: It's a little bit tight. Do you suppose there's any way I can have this tailored?有点太紧了。你认为有没有任何方法可以修改这件衣服吗?

S: No,sir.先生,没有。

C: It's such a shame.可惜。

S: Well,sir. How about having our tailoring department make one up for you?There's not much difference in the price between a ready-made suit and a tailored one.嗯,先生,让我们的裁缝部为您定制一套如何?定制的和现成的在价格上没有多大差别。

C: O. K. Can you lead the way?好吧,你能带路吗?

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