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In short it is a relationship term—usually after 7 years people tend to re-evaluate their relationship. There might be evidence that it is now much shorter but the original number 7 came from a time period where the average marriage only lasted 7 years.

There is also speculation that this might be a real itch related to skin condition, insects, or STDs.

All along you saw signs but you ignore them or you were too busy to act on them, and after seven years you finally realized what you missed and try to change it.

Supposedly, after being married for seven years or just being with someone for that long, you start looking at other options. Hence you have an itch to scratch. In layman’s terms, one is expected to leave/cheat at this time.

A recent question on Hollywood sq. showed that statistics reveal the average marriage in North America lasts 7 years. Maybe that’s where it comes from, mine this year is 32 (where did we go wrong).

The seven year itch statistic refers to the number of years together when the most divorces happen. So the first person was right. The sevenyear itch refers to the itch to break up. According to the US Census Bureau, this statistic has slowly inched toward 8 years. So now we have an 8-year itch to scratch. According to most researchers, divorce statistics are the most abused. One of the reasons why we have an increase in divorce statistics is not shorter relationships, but longer lives. Another reason is because divorce statistics never measure abandonment. For example, divorces were low during the Great Depression, the 1930s, because it was cheaper and easier to simply leave. So it shows a decrease in divorces because they don’t measure abandonment’s. Ideally, we would study “relationships” and include marriages, and we would study“relationship endings”, not just divorces.

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