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T: Excuse me.打扰一下。

A: Yes, sir. Can I help you?是的,先生,还有什么需要帮助吗?

T: One of my suitcases hasn't come out yet.我还有一个手提箱没出来。

A: Were you on Flight 203 from Beijing?您搭的是从北京来的203次航班吗?

T: Yes, I was.是的。

A: All of the baggage from that flight has been cleared.那班飞机上的所有行李都已经清理完毕了。

T: Really? Are you sure?真的吗?你确定吗?

A: Yes. The plane is empty.是的,那架飞机已经清空了。

T: Oh, my God! That means you lost my luggage. What do I have to do? Can you check again? Just to be sure?哦,天哪!那就是说你们把我的行李弄丢了。那我该怎么办?你能再查一下吗?只是确认一下好吗?

A: I'm sorry, sir, but the plane has been cleared and is being reloaded for the next flight. You'll have to fill out this insurance claim form and submit it at the airline office either here at the airport or downtown.对不起,先生。飞机已经被清空了,而且正在装下一次航班的行李。您填一下这张保险索赔单,然后把它交到机场或者市区的航空公司办事处。

T: What can I do now?那我现在该怎么办呢?

A: The airline will search the computer record to find out where your bag ended up and try to get it back to you as soon as possible.航空公司会通过电脑记录找出您的包最后到哪儿去了,并且会想办法尽快归还给您。

T: It seems to be the only way.这似乎是唯一的办法了。

A: Do you have something important in your luggage?您的行李中有什么重要的东西吗?

T: Not really. But it's still upsetting when someone loses his luggage.也不是,但是丢了行李总归是心情不好的。

A: Yes, I understand. But don't worry, I'm sure they will find your luggage for you very soon and get it back to you.是的,我理解。但是不用担心,我相信他们会很快找到您的行李然后归还给您的。

T: I hope so. Thanks.希望如此了。谢谢。

A: You are welcome. Have a nice day.不客气,祝您心情愉快。

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