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T: I can't find my baggage. Could you please check it for me? Here is my claim tag.我找不到我的行李,能不能帮我查一下?这是我的行李票。

A: How many pieces of baggage have you lost?您总共遗失了几件行李?

T: I lost two suitcases. Just the two checked suitcases.我丢了两个旅行箱,就是托运的两个箱子。

A: Can you describe your baggage?您能描述一下您的行李吗?

T: One is a large dark plastic suitcase, the other one is a small hello kitty suitcase, both with my name tag on the top.一个是大的黑色塑料行李箱,另一个是小的凯蒂猫的箱子,两个箱子上都有我的名牌。

A: Please wait for a moment and I will check it out for you.请稍等一下,我帮您查一下。

T: Alright.好的。

A: Sorry, madam, we can't find them right now. Could you go to my office with me and make the registration? We will look for it for you.对不起,女士,我们没有找到您的箱子。您能否跟我到办公室做一下记录,然后我们会帮您找的。

T: OK.好的。

A: Will you please fill in the lost baggage form? We will inform you as soon as possible when we find the luggage.请你填下行李遗失登记表,我们一旦找到行李马上通知您。

T: OK. It's finished. How soon will you find them?好的,填好了。那你们多快能找到呢?

A: We will make a lost baggage report later and then submit it to another office. So I afraid I can't promise you anything right away.我们要做个行李遗失报告,然后把它交给另外一个办事处,所以我恐怕不能给您任何保证。

A: Okay, I understand. Please deliver the baggage to my hotel as soon as you've located it. But I stay here only for a week, so I hope I can get my luggage soon.好的,我理解。如果找到行李请立即送到我住的饭店。但是我只能在这里住一周,所以我希望能尽快拿回我的行李。

A: Alright. We will try our best, madam.好的,我们会尽力的。

T: Thank you.谢谢你。

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