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A: Can I help you sir?先生,有什么需要帮忙的吗?

T: Yes, I lost one of my luggage.是的,我丢了一件行李。

A: Where did you lose it?您是在哪里丢的?

T: I couldn't find it on the conveyor belt. I just got off the plane.我在行李转盘上找不到它,我刚下飞机。

A: Which flight did you take?您乘坐的是哪个航班?

T: It's CA 308.是CA308。

A: Let me check it for you.让我帮您查一下。

T: Fine. Thank you.好的,谢谢。

A: Sir, this conveyor belt is for flight CA 308. Please wait for a while, perhaps your luggage will come out later.先生,CA308的行李就是由这个转盘送出来,请稍等一会儿,或许您的行李一会儿会出来的。

T: OK.好的。(10 minutes later)(十分钟后)

T: Oh, the conveyor belt is cleared. My luggage hasn't come out.哦,行李转盘已经清干净了。但是我的行李还没有出来。

A: Oh, maybe someone picked up the wrong bag. What are the features of your bag?哦,或许有人拿错包了。您的包有什么特征吗?

T: It's a dark leather suitcase with my name tag on it.是一个黑色的皮箱,上面有我的名牌。

A: I see. Can I have your address and contact? We will find it for you and send it to you.我知道了,您能给我您的联系方式和住址吗?我们找到后会给您送过去。

T: Fine. It's Huayuan Road, NO.38. My telephone number is 82311994.好的,我的住址是花园路38号,电话号码是82311994。

A: And your passport and ticket, please. I will keep a record of it.请给我您的护照和机票,我要做个记录。

T: Here you are.给你。

A: I see. We will try our best to look for it.好的,我们会尽力帮您找的。

T: Thank you very much.谢谢。

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