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A: May I see your passport, please?我能看您的护照吗?

T: Yes. Here you are.可以,给你。

A: Are you traveling on business or for pleasure?您是来观光还是出差?

T: I'm going to visit my uncle in London.我来看望在伦敦居住的叔叔。

A: How long will you stay?您打算在伦敦待多久?

T: For several weeks.几周。

A: Do you have anything to declare? Jewelry or cash?您有没有什么东西要申报?珠宝或现金?

T: No, I haven't. The only things I brought were my own clothes, my laptop and some gifts for my uncle.没有。我携带的东西只是一些自己的衣物和笔记本电脑,还带了一些送给叔叔的礼物。

A: I'm sorry. I'm afraid I'll have to check these, too. Did you bring any fruits, vegetables, fresh meats or plants into this country?对不起,恐怕我也得检查一下。您有没有携带任何水果、蔬菜、鲜肉或植物进本国?

T: Oh… would you kindly allow me to bring in the civet durian? It is the favorite of my uncle.喔……您能允许我带些榴莲吗?它是我叔叔最喜欢的水果。

A: Sorry, rotten fruit is not allowed.对不起,腐烂的水果不允许带进来。

T: But it is not rotten. It naturally has the special flavor.但是它不是腐烂的水果。它天生就是味道。

A: Well, perhaps. But perishables are also not allowed.是吗,也许吧。但易腐烂的东西也是不能带进来的。

T: Oh, it's a pity.哦,那太可惜了。

A: Where are you going to stay?您将在哪里住宿呢?

T: At my uncle's.我叔叔家。

A: How much money are you taking with you?您带了多少钱呢?

T: Not very much. About 1000 pounds.没有多少,一千英镑。

A: OK, you are through.好了,您可以过了。

T: Thank you.谢谢你了。

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