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A: May I see your passport please?我可以看一下您的护照吗?

T: Here is my passport. And this is the declara-tion form.这是我的护照,这是入境申请表。

A: What is the purpose of your visit to the United States?您到美国的目的是什吗?

T: For business. I have a meeting in New York.出差,我在纽约有个会。

A: This visa is good for one week. Do you intend to stay longer than that?您的签证期限一个星期,您打算待更久吗?

T: No. I will fly back five days from now.不会,我五天之后就要回去了。

A: And will you do some traveling while you are here?这段期间您会去旅行吗?

T: Yes, I want to spend a couple of days in L.A. I have friends there and I will visit them.是的,我想去洛杉矶几天,我在那儿有要去拜访的朋友。

A: What do you have in the bag, Mr. Lee?李先生,您的袋子里有些什么?

T: Just my camera, my clothes, and some books.只是我的照相机、衣服和书籍。

A: Okay, Mr. Lee. This is just a routine check.Would you mind opening the bag for me?好的,李先生,这是例行检查,请您把袋子打开让我看看好吗?

T: Alright.好的。

A: OK, you are through, sir.好的,先生您可以通过了。

T: Thank you.谢谢。

A: You are welcome.不客气。

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