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T: Excuse me.打扰了。

A: Yes, can I help you?有什么需要帮忙的吗?

T: I'm new to America and I'm here for traveling. I like self-driving travel, so I decide to rent a car. Can you give me some information about renting a car.我第一次来美国旅游。我喜欢自驾游,所以打算租辆车。我想了解一下有关租车的事宜。

A: Yes, sir. I'll be happy to answer your questions.好的,先生。我很乐意回答你的问题。

T: Do you know where I can rent a car?你知道在哪里可以租车吗?

A: Sure. There are many rental companies in America. If you stay at a hotel, they have much information about this and will offer you contact.当然,在美国有很多租车公司,如果您住酒店的话,酒店会有很多关于租车的信息,也会给您提供联系方式的。

T: Oh, I see. So how much do they charge for car rentals?哦,我知道了,那么租车费是怎么计算的?

A: It depends on the rental companies.这得看租车公司了。

T: What do you mean?你是什么意思?

A: I mean that some rental companies only rent good cars and often they charge more. It's reasonable.我的意思是一些租车公司专门租很好的车,那他们收费就会贵一些,这也很合常理。

T: Oh, yes. You are right.是的,你说得对。

A: But on average the rates are 100 dollars a day and 5 dollars a mile.但是一般来说租车费是一天100美元,每英里5美元。

T: I see. Do I have to return the car to the same agency?我明白了,我必须把车还到租车的地方吗?

A: No, sir. Many rental companies have offices all over the U.S., You can rent the car in one branch, and turn it in at any branch.不,先生,许多租车公司在美国各地都有营业处,你可以在此租车,在任何一家分支机构还车。

T: All right. Just one more question. How do I pay?好的,还有一个问题,我该怎么付款?

A: We require $5000 deposit. Then we record the present mileage on the car you will rent, and when you return the car, the deposit is deducted from the bill.先付5000美元保证金,然后我们会记录你所租车的目前里程,当你还车时,退回保证金。

T: That sounds reasonable.听起来蛮合理的。

A: Yes, sir. Would you please show your driver licence? You have an international license, don't you?是的,先生,我们要看看你的驾照,你有国际驾照,是吗?

T: Yes, I do.是的,我有。

A: Fine. Then you can rent a car. Have a good time in America.那很好,那么您能租一辆车了,希望您在美国玩得高兴。

T: Thank you.谢谢你了。

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