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T: Excuse me.打扰一下。

A: Yes, can I help you?有什么需要帮忙吗?

T: I want to know how to get to Yanshan Hotel.我想知道怎么到达燕山饭店。

A: You can take a taxi outside the terminal building.您可以在候机大楼外面打车过去。

T: But I don't want to take a taxi. You know, this is my first time in Beijing. I try my best to avoid being cheated and also I don't have much money with me.但是我不想打车,你知道这是我第一次来北京,我尽量避免上当受骗之类的,还有我没有带很多钱。

A: I see. Then you can take the airport shuttle bus, which runs every thirty minutes and it's very convenient, too.我知道了。那么您可以乘坐机场大巴,每三十分钟一辆,也很方便的。

T: How much will I pay if I take an airport shuttle bus?如果要乘机场大巴车票是多少?

A: It depends on the miles you cover. But normally the fare is 25 yuan if your destination is not very far.这不一定,要根据您的路程来决定,但通常情况下,车费是二十五元,如果您不去太远的地方的话。

T: Wow, it's cheap. I like it.哇,很便宜啊,我很喜欢。

A: If you have time, you can take the subway, too.如果您有时间也可以乘坐地铁。

T: No, thanks. I think my luggage is too heavy for me to carry across the subway.不了,我想我的行李太沉了,不能去地铁。

A: Fine. Do you have any other questions?好的,您还有其他问题吗?

T: Yes. I haven't reserved a hotel room for myself. Can you recommend one for me? A cheap one is OK for me.是的,我还没有预订饭店,您能推荐几家吗?不太贵的就行。

A: Sure. What kind of hotel do you prefer? Three-star hotel, four-star hotel, five-star hotel?当然可以。您想要住什么样的饭店?三星的、四星的还是五星的?

T: When they have basic services and facilities, the cheaper, the better. You know, I want to visit many places, so I want to save some money.在有基本的服务和设施的情况下,越便宜越好的。我想去很多地方旅游,所以想要省点钱。

A: I see. How about Youth Hotel? It's not expensive and there are many young travelers there and you can share some interesting information.我知道了,那青年旅社怎么样?不贵而且那里还有很多年轻的旅游者,你们可以互相分享有趣的事情。

T: It's great. So how much shall I pay for a night?太好了,那我一晚上要付多少钱呢?

A: Usually, several people share a room, so it's much cheaper than normal hotels. Don't worry.因为通常是几个人一起住一个房间,所以会比正常的饭店便宜很多,不用担心。

T: Alright. How can I get there? Does the shuttle bus take me there?好吧,那我怎么到达那里呢?机场大巴会经过那里吗?

A: Yes, the terminal is very close to that Youth Hotel and you can walk there after you get off the bus.是的,终点站离青年旅社很近,下车后您可以走到那里。

T: I see. They will also have some tourism information for us, right?我知道了,他们那里也会有一些旅游信息,对吧?

A: Yes.是的。

T: Great. Thank you very much. I can't wait to get there and take a bath to relax myself. You know, the journey is always tiring.太好了,谢谢你,我要赶紧过去洗个热水澡休息一下,你知道旅途总是很累的。

A: Yes. Have a good time in Beijing.是的,祝您在北京玩得高兴。

T: Thank you. Have a nice day.谢谢你,祝你心情愉快。

A: Bye.再见。

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