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T: Excuse me.打扰一下。

A: Yes, can I help you sir.有什么可以帮忙的吗,先生?

T: Yes. I'm here for business, but I came here in a rush so I did't reserve a hotel. Can I reserve it here?是的,我是来出差的,但是因为来得匆忙所以没有预订酒店,我能在这里预订吗?

A: Yes, you can. We have a tourism information center and you can reserve a hotel or get some information about travelling here.是的,我们这里有旅游信息中心,您可以在这里订饭店或是了解一些关于旅游的信息。

T: It's great. So where is the closest hotel to Financial Street? I have to go there to attend meetings these days.太好了,那么离商业街最近的饭店是哪里?我这几天要去那里开会。

A: Let me check it for you. Yes. It's XX Hotel.让我帮您查一下。是的,是××饭店。

T: So what kind of room can I book?那么我可以预订什么样的房间呢?

A: They have single rooms, double rooms, standard rooms, suite rooms and presidential suit according to customer's requirements.根据旅客的需要,他们有单人间、双人间、标准间、套间和总统套间。

T: I see.我知道了。

A: Are you coming alone, sir?先生您是一个人来的吗?

T: Yes.是的。

A: Then I suggest a single room for you. But if you want to be more comfortable, I suggest a standard room.那么我建议您选单人间,但是如果您想住的更舒服的话,我建议您选标准间。

T: Let me think. OK, a standard room is OK for me.让我想一下,好的,我要间标准间。

A: OK, sir. Shall I book it for you now?好的,先生,我现在就为您订吗?

T: Yes, please.好的。

A: What's your name, sir?您贵姓?

T: My name is Michael.我叫麦克。

A: OK, wait a moment, please.好的,请稍等。

T: Fine.好的。

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