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Thomas Cruise Mapother IV better known by his screen name of Tom Cruise, is an American film actor and producer. He has been nominated for three Academy Awards and won three Golden Globe Awards. His first leading role was in 1983 film Risky Business, which has been described as “A Generation X classic, and a career-maker” for the actor. After playing the role of a heroic naval pilot in the popular and financially successful 1986 film Top Gun, Cruise continued in this vein, playing a secret agent in a series of Mission: Impossible action films in the 1990s and 2000s. In addition to these heroic roles, he has starred in a variety of other successful films such as Days of Thunder (1990), Jerry Maguire (1996), Magnolia (1999), Vanilla Sky (2001), Minority Report(2002), The Last Samurai (2003), Collateral (2004) and War of the Worlds (2005).

Since 2005, Cruise and Paula Wagner have been in charge of the United Artists film studio, with Cruise as producer and star and Wagner as the chief executive. Cruise is also known for his controversial support of and adherence to the Church of Scientology.


克鲁斯的第一部影片是《熄灯号》(Taps1982),这是一部反映军营生活的喜剧片,克鲁斯从此走上泪与汗交织的奋斗之路。随后,又演出了一些影片:《冒险事业》(Risky Business 1983)《局外人》(Outsiders 1983)、《步步登天》(All the right moves 1983)和《黑魔王》(Legend 1985),但没有引起什么反响。克鲁斯在沉默与静寂之中不断磨炼自己的演技水平,他坚信有耕耘就必定有收获。果然,1986年《壮志凌云》(Top Gun)一炮打响,克鲁斯以海军飞行员英武俊美的形象立刻成为千百万美国青年心目中的银幕偶像。其后,《金钱本色》(The Color of Money)与《鸡尾酒》(Cocktail 1988)亦取得了不俗的成绩,但真正令克鲁斯成为影坛明星的则是《雨人》(Rain Man 1988)和《生逢七月四日》(Born on the Fourth of July 1989)这两部影片。《雨人》中虽然达斯汀·霍夫曼是主角明星,光芒盖过了克鲁斯,但克鲁斯在影片中的出色演技让观众与导演也大为赞赏。紧接着,《生逢七月四日》将他推上了幸运之峰,他获得了金球奖和奥斯卡最佳男主角奖的提名。

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