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When you determine what you want you have made the most important decision of your life. To attain what you want you must have a plan. Actually, planning is a simple process, but it is amazing how many persons survive without planning. They survive but they do not attain the full richness that life has to offer.Most of the failures in life are due to lack of planning or to faulty planning. Whatever you may want to accomplish, whether it be the building of a boat, a rise in pay, or the building of a successful career, your chances of success are immeasurably increased by observing these underlying principles of planning.

1. Determine your objective and visualize it. Picture what you want and the kind of person you want to be. Visualize yourself in the boss’s private office; in that full professorship; as the president of the bank or factory; as the surgeon performing the miracle of saving life.

2. Get the facts. Get all the facts about what will be required to attain the objective you have determined upon and visualized.




3. Analyze, evaluate, group those facts. Put them in logical order of importance of accomplishment. Put them in a flexible order of accomplishment, be sure they are attainable in order, make certain they are practical.

4. Adopt a timetable for the accomplishment of your objective and cleave to that timetable.

5. Have faith, clear, abiding faith, in the ultimate attainment of your objective and the minor objectives that contribute to the whole program of accomplishment. Don’t let anyone—friend, relative, or foe—divert you for long from the way in which you know you must go.

6. Take action today to put your plan into effect. A plan without action is a futile dream. Let go of the ball. Don’t be content to be continually winding up; you have to let go of the ball to make a strike.

7. Persistently take steps to further your plans. Don’t let obstacles get you down. Washouts on the way may delay you, but you can go around or over if you refuse to surrender.

8. Concentrate on one good step at a time and don’t walk in more than one direction.

9. Regularly check up on yourself and others assisting you on the way. Adjust your plans as required by circumstances you can’t control. Study and follow your timetable.

10. Put your plan and timetable on paper.Men without plans are at the mercy of the vagrant winds of fortune. Men with plans and determination to follow them have control of their destiny. The choicest prizes that life has to offer go to those who make plans. The leftovers go to the aimless.









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