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I met a lady recently who I think is in her sixties, although I certainly wasn’t going to ask her. She is living a dream she had for a very long time. She told me that she was blessed by God to be living where she is living today.Over the years I have written a number of articles about dreams, goals and possibilities. I think life was meant to be lived to its fullest. Part of living your full potential is being a possibility thinker.Many methods and programs can help one realize their dreams and goals. I have in the past written about some of them. But I also know that methods and programs are just that; they are simply methods and programs. What works for one person may not work for someone else. And, you really can’t say that a specific method or program was the only reason someone realized their goal or dream.That being said, the lady I met recently who is living her dream, did something a long time ago. She drew a picture. She told me that she was born and raised in a house in Pennsylvania right in the middle of an apple orchard. It was her dream to someday live again in a house in the middle of an apple orchard.

So, she drew a simple picture of a house in the middle of an apple orchard. She drew that picture many, many years ago.There were some things in her life that didn’t go as well as she had hoped for. Then, after a number of years, she was living alone. She lived alone for nearly twenty years until she met a widower about seven years ago. After a time of courtship, the couple got married and she moved into his house, which is now their home.As I talked to her in the driveway of her new home of seven years, she was relating some of these things to me. She was so happy and truly thankful to God to be living in a house in California, right in the middle of a large apple orchard.“What are the odds,” she told me, “that I would meet someone who owned an apple orchard and that he would want to marry me?” She thankfully added, “Isn’t God so good to me?”Have you ever considered drawing a picture of your dream or goal? Not an artist, you say? Neither is she. That’s not the point. The point is, can you see your dream? Can you describe it? Why not draw a little picture of it?

I remember reading a book a number of years ago and one of the incidents in the book was about a picture from a magazine. A man cut out a picture of a beautiful house from a magazine and kept the picture in his office. After moving a few times, the picture ended up in a box.Years later he purchased his dream house. And, then while unpacking; he discovered the old picture from the magazine. It was not a picture that was similar to his new home; it was his new home! He stared at the picture that he had cut out of a magazine many years before. He stood there holding a picture of the house he now owned.Can you picture your dreams? Why not draw a picture of your dream? Or, cut out a picture from a magazine of your dream. Or, download a picture of your dream and put it on your desktop computer. Put it on your cell phone.Our minds remember images. Scientists say that images that have emotions attached to them are very powerful. Perhaps this is a method you may want to explore in reaching your dreams and goals.No matter what method you use, do something to keep your dreams and goals alive. And never stop picturing them vividly, in great detail, in your mind. See yourself where you want to be, not where you are today. Regardless of the odds, regardless of what others say, your dreams are important because they are your dreams. Refuse to let go of your picture; work towards it until you get it.

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