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Look in the mirror and admire an original masterpiece — a one-off, never to be repeated work of art.You are unique and that is partly due to your combination of genes.Unless you are an identical twin it's a combination which has never been seen before.

Seeing Your Genes

Have another look in the mirror.Now compare what you see with two photographs.One of your mother and one of your father.You can see the telltale signs of your genes in all three of your faces.Do you have the“Bailey chin”, the“Harrison nose”or the“Smith dimple”? They are the result of certain genes.Some features run so strongly in families they become the origin of some of our best-known surnames.An obvious example is height, which was the inspiration for the surnames Long and Short.

How Do Genes Make Us Look Similar?

Genes do something very simple.They are the recipe for building another molecule called a protein.Almost everything in your body is either made of a protein or has been put together with the help of one.They are the crucial building blocks which underlay the formation of just about everything from the color of your skin to the precise layout of neurons in your brain.Your genes are a gift from your parents.A hand-me-down list of recipes for making endless proteins which together shape your body.If you can spot similarities in the faces of your family then you are seeing the end products of your shared genes.

Why Should We Be Different?

Genes are made from a molecule called DNA.Along its length, a string of chemicals are arranged in an important pattern.That pattern is actually a code that carries protein-building instructions.If the pattern is altered a different protein will be produced.Different genes are the result of different patterns of DNA.









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