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There are at least three benefits to volunteering. To begin with, participating in volunteer work can boost people’s development of interpersonal relationships.Awareness of cooperation, dependability, responsibility and punctuality are cultivated and fostered as each volunteer interacts with other members of their group. In addition,volunteering enables students to develop a balance between academic accomplishments and social development. This necessary balance will greatly assist each person in more successfully encountering the challenges of our contemporary society. Last but not least, participation in volunteer work can provide people with real-life experience in problem-solving and decision-making, through which specific knowledge or skills can be acquired. A case in point is the development of leadership skills, which occurs as people assume responsibility for the success of their organization. Such leadership experience will help people learn more about themselves and point the way to their future career.

Generally speaking, volunteering is vital in that it can help people fit them in with others, teach them to manage their time and know their limits, and allow them to explore their unique interests and talents.




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