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This is a very interesting cartoon,in which two sharks are celebrating the good news that thanks to global warming, the sea water will drown a nearby island in five years where a man is fishing. Hence, the sharks are eager to enjoy a good meal of human flesh.

Though a bit exaggerated, the cartoon illuminates a serious fact that the unusually rapid speed of sea-level rise, caused by global warming, is devouring our lands, and for that matter, our lives. A recent report also supported this view by quoting scientists'forecast that island countries like Japan and Indonesia, as well as the numerous islands on the Pacific Ocean, might disappear from our maps forever. The current greenhouse effect remains out of control. We are sad to perceive that the threat fails to arouse enough attention, which is best exemplified by the frustration that Kyoto Protocol confronts.

In my opinion, it is high time for the whole world to fight global warming, because not a single government nor individual is exempt from its harm. A series of down-to-earth measures need to be urgently implemented to control the output of carbon dioxide that greatly contributes to global warming.





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