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A first look ofthis picture leaves us the impression that this is merely an ordinary hotpot, a unique cooking method in China. Yet considering its special ingredients:Kongfu, deconstruction, Confucianism, Shakespeare, post-modernism, Peking Opera, etc., we would realize that this is by no means a common hotpot. In fact, this is a tasty and nutritious cultural "hotpot" which reflects the cultural diversity in today's Chinese society.

The picture vividly demonstrates China's cultural development in a globalizing world. On the one hand, with various elements of western culture, be it literature, philosophy, art, or science, flooded into China, Chinese people are becoming increasingly tolerant towards and receptive to other cultures. On the other hand, the introduction of different cultural perspectives also arouses people's awareness of our own culture. For example, in the past few years, we have witnessed a re-birth of enthusiasm for the exploration of the essence of our own cultural heritage. Many ancient classics are reread to suit current situation. Though some people may question the western culture'extensive spreading, the co-existence of Chinese and western cultures does't necessarily cause conflict between each other. Instead, they melt perfectly in the "pot", which is fostering cultural understanding and appreciation among the Chinese people.

Personally speaking, I am thrilled to be part of this historic process of cultural integration. Just as the picture indicates, it provides us young people with rich "spiritual food" which will better prepare us to be qualified global citizens.





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