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Most of us are no strangers to the scene shown in the picture in restaurants almost everywhere: a group of friends sit around a dinner table, laughing, sharing stories and catching up on news—but not with the people sitting next to them!

When was the last time you finished an entire meal without checking your phone? You probably can't remember because we're living in a world filled with smartphone addicts who are even unable to spend a few minutes away from the tiny screen. We might expect the widespread availability of cellphones boosts interpersonal connections by speeding up the communication among distant people. However, with the formation of smartphone-obsessed culture, people indulge in using social media instead of talking directly with their friends. Technology,therefore,estranges one from his/her friends to some extent.

I am convinced that the smartphone has the potential that makes us more selfish, more easily distracted and more stressed. The presence of cellphones weakens interpersonal closeness and communication quality. Is there anything you're looking at on a cellphone's screen that is really much more compelling than the real people with you? We,human beings who possess emotions,need to have face-to-face communication and sincere contact with each other.





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