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家长的积极行为,在孩子一步步的成 长过程中起到至关重要的作用。下面小编为大家整理的家长教育孩子的英文文章,希望对大家有用!


Every parent wants their child to grow up to enjoy life and be successful. Each and every one of us has something that we don’t want our children to experi- ence as they get older. We protect them hoping they will never experience hurt, yet as they get older they come across their own struggles.

We often do everything we can tokeep them from making the mistakes that we have made. Your children are not you. They are not little“mini me‘s”that will make the same mistakes we have made or learn the way we learn from our own expe- riences. They go to school, have experienc- es that they only tell us about, and under- stand the experiences through their own thoughts and feelings mixed in with family behavioral patterns. This is where you can make a difference. Be an example.

Teach your child how to live life by being the person you would want them to be- helping others, loving yourself and making no judgments about other people. As youlearn this in your ownself, your child won’

t need you to say a word. If little Joannie doesn‘t want to share with another child, show them how to share. Show by example. If you don’t want others to walk all over you, treat others as you want to be treated because there is a child learning behaviors from you. Be the example of what you want your child to be through your own positive thoughts and feelings. It is the best thing you can do for your child and yourself to ensure your child feel accepted and loved as they get older.

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