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1.I'm planning on taking my holidays in August this year.我打算在今年8月休假。

2.I'm thinking about hiring an extra assistant.我正考虑再多雇一位助理。

3.I've decided that we should upgrade all our computers.我已经决定把所有电脑都升级了。

4.I intend to look for a new job after Spring Festival.我打算春节过后开始找工作。

5.I've made up my mind to transfer to another department.我已经想好了,我要转到另一个部门。

6.I'm going to leave work early tonight because I have to pick up my daughter from school.今晚我要早些下班,因为我得到学校接女儿。

7.The boss is intent on introducing this new bonus scheme.老板决心要引入这套新的奖金方案。

8.I plan on finishing by 6 p.m. at the latest.我计划最晚下午6点钟之前完工。

9.I'm going to have to do something about the air conditioning.这个空调系统的问题我一定得处理一下了。

10.I'm determined to bring up the issue of a canteen at our next meeting.我决定在下次会议中提出有关餐厅的问题。

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