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Asking if someone is interested 询问别人是否有兴趣

1.Are you interested in joining the sales conference next week in Beijing? 你有兴趣参加下周在北京举行的销售会议吗?

2.Would you be interested in moving to the HR department? 你愿意调到人事部去吗?

3.Does working in marketing interest you at all? 你对市场营销工作感兴趣吗?

4.I was wondering if you might be interested in taking on some new clients. 我正琢磨着你是否有兴趣负责一些新客户?

5.Does moving to our Beijing office appeal to you? 你对于调到公司北京办事处一事感兴趣吗?

Expressing an interest 表示自己的兴趣

1.If a vacancy in accounting came up I might be interested.如果财务部门有职位空缺的话,我也许会感兴趣。

2.I'm definitely interested in working on the new project.我绝对愿意参加这个新项目。

3.I'm particularly/especially interested in Total Quality Management.我对全面质量管理特别感兴趣。

4.I'm interested in attending the seminar this weekend.我有兴趣参加本周末举办的研讨会。

5.I've been interested in computers since I was little.我从小就对计算机感兴趣。

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