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S: They are state-of -the -art comprters. Would you like to see how it words?这些是最尖端的电脑。您想看看它是如何操作的吗?

C: Yes,please.好的,我想看看。

S: O. K. Let me just have it all set up in a minute. They are great or business applications. Lood at how fast it runs. It's also IBM compatible. And it's priced much less than buying the origial.那么,让我在一分钟之内把它安装好。它们在商业秀途上,十分好用,看看它运转快速。也可以与国际商业机器电脑公司IBM兼容,而且比原来的机器便宜多了。

C: I'm planning to set up a desktop publishing system and I need a comuter with a hard disk and runs on a 32-bit.我正在计划安装一个台式出版系统。需要一台使用硬磁碟片并有三十二位元的电脑。

S: Oh,in that case,this model will do just fine. do you have the software for it already?噢,那样的放话,这台正好可以。你已经有了它的软件吗?

C: Yes ,Ihave a Ventura. Isn't it for IBM computers?是的,我有Ventura. 它不是用在国际商业机器公司(IBM)电脑里的吗?

S: Yes,they are. You ight alseo want to get the other paraphernalia that goes with it,like the laser printer是的。你也必须有与它相配合的其它的附属品,譬如,激光打印机。



C: How is the resolution of your laser printer?你们激光打印机的清晰度是怎样的?

S: It's 300 dpi. That's about the best you can get with this model. There are others with a highre resolution, but they'll cost more. Are you doing htis or business or as a hobby?有三百个dpi. 。那是您所能得以的比较好的了。但也有其他具有较高层次的激光打印机。不过经较贵。您这样做是为了做生意还是出于兴趣?

C: Well, I'm starting it out as a hobby,to tell you frankly. But later on I plan to expand it into a business.坦白告诉你,我开始做只是当作一种爱发但后来计划把它扩展成一种事业。

S: Well,this will definitely do . You can expand the features later on as you become familiar with the system and when your business.嗯,这的确很合适。当您熟悉这个系统而且开始做生意以的接着还扩充它的特性。

C: If buy the computer now and buy a matrix dot printer,can I trade it for a laser printer alter on and pay you the difference plus the cost of the depreciation?如果我现在买电脑和矩阵打印机,以的珂不可以用它来换一台激光打印机?我会付足差额,再加上折旧的价钱。

S: Well, we don't do it here,but we can tell you where you can do that.噢,我们这里不能这样做。但我可以告诉您在哪里可以这样办。



C: Excuse me,do you have some catalogues available for this computer?对不起,你有没有一些用于这台电脑的目录?

S: sure. Here they are. And this is my name card.当然有,在这里,这是我的名片?

C: And this is mine. How about a price list?这是我的名片。报价单呢?

S: Yes, it's inside the catalogue. Portable comprters are quite cheap here in.在上当里面。”这时原手提式电脑是相当便宜的。

C: How powerful is it?它有多强呢?

S: It's 16 bit. But lood at the variety of graphics that can be applied to the comprter. charts,guaphs or scales, you can do it all in this comprter. are you planning to use it for yourself or are you planning it for some business applications?十六位的,但看看应用在这电脑里的图示法的种类,图表,曲线图或者比例图,您都可以在电脑里运用自如。您打算自己个人使用还是用于做生意呢?

C: Well,it's basically for my business. I'm buying one as a trial order. And if I like it,I'll probably buy more.嗯,主要用于生意。我想买一个试试看。假如喜欢,我会再来多买一些的。

S: That's no problem.没问题。

C: Do you accept checks?收支票吗?

S: Yes.收的。

C: Here you go. Put thes in a box and tie it up. 这是支票,把这个放在盒子时有效期包扎起来。

S: O. K. Thank you.好的,谢谢。

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