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1. Is it important to you to eat healthy food?


Definitely yes, I’m sure you know, it is beneficial for people to eat healthy food without food additive. They are clean and hygienic. Accordingly, my mom has been preparing food very carefully. She buys the organic vegetables herself and selects the best parts of the meat.

2. If you catch a cold, what do you do to help you feel better?


Well, for me, there are remedies available that can reduce the pain and shorten the healing time. These cures include natural remedies, over-the-counter drugs and prescription medications. But most importantly, I think drinking more hot water and taking a good rest are the best ways to recover my health and strength.

3. Do you pay attention to public information about health?


Sure, never do topics of health, one of the decisive factors in life, fail to arouse my attention. Simply because health is absolutely the top priority for everyone and prerequisite for anyone to do anything. I can’t imagine how I would be able to survive without mental and physical well-being.

4. What could you do to have a healthier lifestyle?


Well, in my view, I should be a regular gym goer. I mean, four or five times a week sound perfect. In addition, it is to have a healthy and balanced diet. To be more precise, I can have more fruits instead of junk food.


1. What foods are most nutritious and what food are not very nutritious?

Most dieticians agree that foods high in fat, salt and sugar are not very good for you. These include a lot of fast food like burgers, fries and pizza. The trouble is, these foods also taste great, and so it can be tough cutting down on them. Healthier foods are vegetables, fruit, fish and bread. Many countries recommend that people eat an average of five pieces of fruit or vegetables a day, just to stay healthy. Many people don’t manage that. It’s mostly the cheaper foods that are less nutritious, like instant noodles, so it can be hard for a poor person to eat healthily if they don’t have much money to spend on food.

2. Are there many vegetarians in China?

Historically, vegetarianism has been common in China for over two thousand years. Figures such as Cao Cao and the Emperor Wu were vegetarian. Vegetarianism is often taken up for religious reasons, and it is common amongst people who practice Buddhism. In modern China however vegetarianism is not mainstream, and it can be difficult to find dishes that do not contain meat. Although vegetables are considered healthy, they are also seen as lacking fortifying properties, and people think that if you don’t eat meat then you will become weak. You can find vegetarian restaurants in many big cities in China but it can be hard to find them in more rural areas where people’s views are less modern.

3. Do you think advertising has an effect on what foods people eat?

Without a doubt, advertising can have a big impact on what people eat. If you’re watching television and feeling hungry, and an advert comes on telling you that this particular food is delicious, then naturally you’re going to want to eat it. This is especially true for children, who are more easily persuaded by advertising. It’s unfortunate that most food advertising is for snacks and junk food because these are generally unhealthy. You don’t see many adverts for fruit or veggies.

4. Do you think that junk food should be banned?

Although junk-food is unhealthy and contributes to many health-problems, banning it entirely would be a huge overreaction. It would be a knee jerk response to the problem. It’s unfair to stop people eating junk-food entirely. Many people enjoy eating junk-food in moderation, maybe once every couple of weeks, so it does not affect their health too much. It’s not right to stop them eating a food they like. Banning junk-food entirely is too harsh by far. If people get fat because they eat too much junk-food then that’s their own fault. They don’t have to eat it. We should trust people to make their own choices.


Describe a person you know who has a healthy lifestyle.

You should say:

who he /she is

how you know this person

what sort of person he/she is

and explain why you think he/she has a healthy lifestyle


Ok then, well, as soon as I saw this topic, I immediately thought of my next door neighbour, who I have to say, must be one of the healthiest people I know, as I'll shortly explain, so he's the person I'm gonna talk about.

And as for how I know him, well, if my memory serves me correctly, the first time we met was actually in the lift of our apartment block, because I had just been taking my dogs out for a walk, and by the looks of it, he had just got back from a run, cos he was in a tracksuit and was sweating a little bit. And when he saw my dogs his face lit up, so he asked if he could stroke them, and that's basically how we got to know each other.

Anyway, moving on to what sort of person he is, well, to put it simply, I'd say that he's a really sociable and friendly guy, which you can probably tell from the example I gave just now of how we met. But the main reason for saying this is that he often invites me, as well as other friends of his, over to his flat for lunch or dinner, which is really nice of him, especially considering the fact that I've never invited him for a meal before, mainly because I'm hopeless at cooking. So I kind of feel a bit guilty about that, even though he keeps telling me not to worry about it, and that also just goes to show what a nice guy he is.

Anyway, with regard to why I think he has a healthy lifestyle, well I suppose the biggest reason would be that he's a real fitness fanatic, you know, he goes for a run literally every morning, rain or shine, and I know this because, on more than one occasion, I've looked out of my living room window and seen him running in the pouring rain, which to me is kind of crazy, but to him it's just normal.

And finally I should also mention the fact that he looks much younger than he really is. You know, I couldn't believe it when he told me how old he was, because I originally thought he was in his early forties or something, but he's actually over fifty, and when I asked him what his secret was for looking so young, he simply said that he always made sure to get at least eight hours of sleep a day. So ever since he told me that, I've tried to develop the same habit myself, although to be honest with you, I'm not succeeding too well so far.

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