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增重:gain/put on weight

减肥:lose/reduce weight

节食:go on a diet

减肥茶:slimming tea






1-Exercise promotes health, reducing most people's risks of developing diabetes and growing obese.运动有利健康,减少大多数人患糖尿病和肥胖的风险;

2-What is particularly fascinating about...is that...某事极其有吸引力的地方在于...;

3-The answer is plenty.解决问题方法有多种


Describe an achievement that you are proud of

You should say:

What it was

How it was made

What difficulties have you encountered during the process

Why you are proud of this achievement




Well, it's probably difficult to believe but last year I knocked off X kilos in about 6 months, and this is what I am still enormously proud of. I have to confess...I used to be a very lazy girl who loved fast food and hated sports. And at that time I was so slim that I didn't even think that one day being overweight would become my number 1 problem. So when I realised that I'd put on X kilos, I decided to lose weight and get fit, no matter what.

And so it began. I started exercising daily. I went jogging in the mornings and I walked in the evenings. Also, I ditched junk food and stopped buying snacks, which I couldn't live without. I started sticking to a diet. You know, no sweets, no rice, no cheeseburgers, and French fries. Not only salads, vegetables, fruits and plenty of fluids. I ate only healthy food and drank a lot of water daily. I cooked foods in healthier ways such as boiling, baking and stewing. I read somewhere that it is better to have a few light meals instead of on main meal. So I followed this advice too. I continued this practice for six straight months. As a result, I lost more than X kilograms.

Now I'm not only as slim as I used to be, but I'm also fit enough. And I'm genuinely proud of my achievement. I should say it was hard to change my habits, my diet and my lifestyle, and at some point I was about to give up because all those activities were really time consuming. But I didn't, thank God, though I was facing a lot of difficulties. Another thing that makes me feel inordinately proud of myself is that I achieved great results without anybody's help. I just read blogs and forums, used a lot of online resources, but it was I that decided what to do with myself. This is something I never thought I could do. You can't even imagine how much effort I put in achieving this result. I would even say I was fighting the battle of my life. And I won.


地道用词:knocked off


be overweight

lose weight

stick to

boiling, baking and stewing

高分句型: And at that time I was so slim that I didn't even think that one day being overweight would become my number 1 problem.

I just read blogs and forums, used a lot of online resources, but it was I that decided what to do with myself.

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