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athletic background 运动背景

uncoordinated adj. 身体不协调的

slowly but surely 稳扎稳打地(surely除了表示“当然”还有这一用法哦)

bungee cord 蹦极带

tricks 技巧

blood type 血型

medics 医护人员

wrap oneself from head to toe 从头到脚包裹起来

gear (某一特点活动的)设备,服装;作这个意义讲是不可数名词哦!!

resort to 诉诸于……(某种不得已的方法)


bags of marshmallows tucked into the back of my pants 棉花糖包塞在裤子里

bubble wrap 泡泡包装纸

safety harness 系在身上的安全绳索


a. 中心是否切题:考察考生所表达的口语内容是否完整、准确地回答了题目的要求。考察重点在于考生是否能够准确理解题意和准确迎合题意两个层次。

b. 意思是否明白:考察考生所表达的口语内容是否能够被明白地理解,还是表面上很流利,而实际上语义含糊、不知所云。

c. 结构是否严密:考察考生是否有能力将口语用严密的结构和逻辑表达出来,还是缺乏层次,信马由缰。

d. 表达是否连贯:考察考生口语的语流是否有停顿,这包括思维停顿和表达停顿两方面的原因或表现。但此标准并未对考生的口语表达速度作硬性的要求

e. 发音是否清楚:考察考生的发音是否能够做到纯正、清晰。起码理解起来并不因为口音的问题存在障碍。

f. 语法是否正确:考察考生是否能够熟练的使用较复杂的句子结构表达思想,同时尽量避免错误。

g. 词汇是否熟练:考察考生是否可以掌握足够的英语词汇进行表达,考察重点在熟练度和准确度两个方面。但此标准并未对考生的用词难度作硬性的要求。


Describe an exciting sport you want to try in the future.

You should say:

What it is ;

When you will try it ;

What facilities it needs

And explain why you want to try it.


蹦极Bungee jumping攀岩Rock climbing





The exciting sport I would like to do in the future is rock climbing which is a trendy(时髦的)sport among young people today. The first time I knew it was 10 years ago when I watched TV. According to the TV, millions of people take part in the activity around the world.

Some do it just for personal satisfaction(满意). Others compete. Rock climbing can be dangerous. But there are many methods and protective devicesthat can increase a climber's safety. As far as I know, there are several kinds of rock climbing. I prefer traditional rock climbing which is done outside. Wearing a rope and attach devicesto the rocks, I can climb many hundreds of meters up. I will also connect my rope to the devices. If I slip, a rope can stop me from falling. The reason why I want to go rock climbing is that it takes strength, control and good balance. If I want to climb, I have to pull myself straight up the face of very high rocks or walls. So I have to be strong enough to carry my own weight. And I sometimes have to hold onto rocks by only their fingers or toes.


Describe a sport you would like to try.

You should say:

what sport it is;

how did you learn it;

whether it is difficult to do;

and explain why you would like to try it.








The sport I'd like to try isskydiving. I first saw it on TV whenI was a kid. I was frightenedbecause I thought the man justjumped from the plane without anysecurity, you know, without aparachute. I regarded it as a way of suicide but his laugh confused me. After a while, his parachute opened and he floated safely to the ground. Then the man told the audience that it was the first time he tried skydiving. That was how I know the name of the sport. This program left a deep impression on me. I often tried to imagine how excited a person would be when he or sheskydives. I searched all the information about this sport and found out that it's a kind ofl dangerous sports and the participants have to meet a number of requirements.


The reason why I would liketo try it is that I want to overcome my fear of standing at high positions. I mean, it's not as serious as acrophobia, but I kind of have the feeling that if I overcome it, I can become a brave girl. So I would definitely try it if I had a chance.


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