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Today both males and females are having babies at an older age why?Is this a positive or negative development on society and family?今天,很多夫妇选择晚育,原因何在? 这对于社会和家庭是有利还是有弊?





① 现代人过于繁忙,很难照料孩子,因为他们面对激励的竞争,快节奏的生活以及过度的工作负荷。 具体而言,职场人士在攀登职业高峰时,很少有时间和精力养育孩子。

② 很多男性努力发展事业,很多女性渴望保持身材苗条,他们没有心情和热情生育子女。


① 人们可以暂时缓解经济压力,具体而言,人们有更多的金钱和时间可供自由支配。毕竟,养育孩子需要经济和精力的投入。

② 奋斗多年后再生育对子女有利好,因为父母承担得起子女的学费及日常开销。同时,晚育的父母在育儿方面懂得更多常识。


① 没有女子的成人年会感受孤独。他们不能感受子女带来的欢乐,婚姻可能也会缺乏一种必要的维系。

② 社会也会面临人口老龄化的困境,社会的进步失去驱动力。


〖首段〗背景介绍 + 写作目的

It is not rare to see that some couples choose to give a birth to baby when they get older. People have been debating the pros and cons of having a baby in the late of adulthood without reaching any definite consensus. This essay aims to explore the reasons why some spouses delay their plan of pregnancy and then explore its merits and demerits.


The reasons of having babies at older age are manifold. First,modern people are too occupied to see to their babiesbecause of the pierce competition, ever-accelerating pace of modern life and excessive workload. More precisely, many adults have to struggle to climb the career ladder, hence, they have no time to expect a child. Also, countless females desire to maintain a slim figure. So, they all have no mood or zeal to raise a child.


Granted, some merits could be gained via delaying the time of pregnancy. Primarily, people could temporarily diminish family’s financial burden brought about by rearing a baby. Specifically, they could have more money and time at their own disposable. Indeed, a baby entails not only parental financial investment but also excessive energies. Further, parents who have comfortable family budgets could greatly conduce to their children’s growth. It is easier for them to afford their children’s tuition fees and daily expenditure. Meanwhile, late-life parents have more common sense in terms of child-rearing.


However, there are some drawbacks triggered by giving birth to a kid when young adults are aging. Initially, some childless adults may suffer from isolation because they might fail to acquire well-being deriving from rearing a child. In some cases, marriage will suffer too. On the societal level, a society may suffer from aging population and thus lose adequate driving force of social progress.


It is my standpoint that to get a child at an older age is a two-edged sword. The option should be given to every individual.Yet to have a baby at early age enjoy more merits and should be advocated.


1. it is not rare to see that 很常见的是……

2. have a baby in the late of adulthood 成年晚期有孩子

3. child rearing 育儿

4. raise a child = rear a child 养孩子

5. give a birth to baby 生小孩

6. get pregnant = expect a baby怀孕

7. fierce competition and excessive workload 激烈的竞争以及过量的工作负荷

8. keep a proper balance between career and family life 平衡事业家庭

9. have much time at one’s disposable 有时间自己支配

10. have more money at one’s own disposable 经济有保障

11. add financial burden to a family 增加家庭负担

12. reduce the financial burden of a family 减少了家庭的负担

13. enjoy improved quality of life 享受高的生活质量

14. pursue career development 追求事业发展

15. females desire to maintain a slim figure 女性渴望保持苗条身材

16. suffer from aging population 遭遇老龄化

17. suffer from the sense of isolation early更早地感到孤独

18. seen from the positive aspect 从积极方面来看

19. on the downsides 从消极方面看

20. However, there are some drawbacks triggered by ……然而,……会引起一些弊端


Some people regard the increasing business and cultural contact between countries as a positive development. Others, however, feel these leading to loss of national identities. Discuss both views and give your opinion.








The closer communication between different countries has been a conspicuous tendency in recent years, both in economic and cultural aspects. Some people doubt the continual connections will cause vanishing of a country’s identities. In my view, the result of international depends on the situation in different nations.


In face, the international contact is a definitely mutual benefit for countries. Due to the economical motivation, both states and entrepreneurs are interested not only in the domestic market but also in the oversea market. The closer connection opens up huge potential opportunities for business cooperation. Besides, the more cultural contacts, the better understanding of other peoples. Cultural communications can alter people’s attitudes towards another culture and embrace different values, which will promote multi-cultural understanding and even remove cultural barriers.


Admittedly, the cross-national interaction will also impose a negative influence on national identities, especially to those weak countries such as Pacific island countries and some mini countries in Europe and Africa. It seems that in these weak countries, the locals have become more familiar with exotic cultures, which reflects the foreign cultural invasion to some degree. For instance, the mainstream value of teenager in these countries has been mainly shaped by Hollywood blockbusters instead of their traditional literature or other artistic works.


In my opinion, whether closer global communication will cause demise of national identities rely on different countries. America, as well as Canada and Australia, is marked by their high population mobility, or immigrants, to be more exactly. The culture in these nations is based on other cultures indeed. Therefore, they welcome different countries and it cannot be a problem to them. Also, some countries, like China, India and Britain have their own unique ethic identity and cultural confidence which come from their long history. Global contact will also be acceptable to them. Only to the weak countries, the local government should take steps to protect their vulnerable cultures.


In conclusion, the positive and negative influence of global communication really coexists. However, the outcome of closer contact is better or worse is determined by different countries.



雅思作文的题型主要可以分成四大类:同意不同意(agree or disagree,以下简称AD),通过讨论给观点(discuss both view and give your opinion,以下简称DG), 利弊大战(positive or negative,以下简称LB),以及PRS(problems, reasons, and solutions)。

1. 利弊类作文的词汇储备

a. 优点常用词汇:advantages, positive effects, benefit, merit, important, effective, pro

常用短语:be helpful/useful to; make contributions to; play a key role in; have profound/far-reaching effects on

b. 缺点常用词汇:disadvantages, demerits, negative effects, con, defects

常用短语:cause problems; be harmful to; be detrimental to; pose a threat to; pose a risk to

2. 利弊类作文的段落书写



More and more measures to improve the security in large urban areas have been introduced in many countries because of the increased crime. Do the benefits of these measures outweigh the drawbacks?


a. 题目关键词

1). urban areas这个词很多考生在读题的时候容易把它忽略不看,这是一种错误的读题方法,因为这类词是典型的地点限制词,会对题目的论点把控起到一定的提示作用。它的同义替换词可以是city center或者是downtown, 它的反义词是rural areas, outskirts或者是countryside。

2). security measures或者是anti-crime measures是这道题目的核心词汇,要拿下这一道题目,我们就得进行一定的头脑风暴,想出有哪些常见的安全性措施,例如监控(monitoring systems), 安检(security check), 警察巡逻(police patrols)等。

b. 考试指令的分析

显性的利弊类话题最典型的提问方式就是“Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?” 这种题目的解题技巧就在于怎么把“outweigh”这个词在文章中具体地体现出来。它的一些同义表达有greater, more than, exceed等。对于这种提问方式,我们一般给出如下建议。

1). 首先我们需要做的就是在文章的比例方面要有一定的侧重性体现。一般如果认为优点大于缺点的时候,那我们在优点这个段落上的字数建议要100字左右,用2-3个论点来支持。而对于缺点来讲,就可以少写一点,字数建议在80字左右,用1-2个论点来支撑中心句。

2). 除了文章长短之外,还有要注意到的就是语气问题。同样的如果认为优点大于缺点的,那我们在表达优点的时候就要使用比较坚定的态度或词汇(should, be supposed to, ought to), 而在表达缺点的时候,语气适当可以放弱(may, might)或者给出一些可行的建议来弱化它的缺点。

c. 段落示范


1). 先是开头部分


In my opinion, the positive effects are greater than the negative ones.

I think there are more advantages than disadvantages.

From my perspective, although there are some drawbacks, the influence can also be beneficial in many cases.

总结一下,上面三句话的核心意思就是想告诉大家碰到利大于弊这种类型的题目,一定要在开头观点部分把它表达清楚,千万不能有模棱两可的情况,不然task response这一块分数就会减少。

2). 当开头基本明确要求之后,就要开始主体段的写作了。正如之前分析的,主体段分为两段,优点和缺点各一段就可以了。先来回忆一下一个段落是由中心句加上几个论点的形式构成的,论点一般推荐2个。


1). 先来写好处的中心句

学生句子:Indeed, having security measures has many advantages for local citizens. (10 words)


教师句子:It is obvious that the installation of security measures in buildings and on streets is an effective means of local citizens’ safety. (22 words)

句子评价:这个句子出彩的地方在于其词汇的多样使用,例如installation这个词,动词变名词的用法在作文中的使用频率还是比较高的。另外an effective means这个短语搭配也不错,是学生句子中的advantages的另外一个表达。使用in buildings and on streets这个介词短语来修饰句子可以更好地和之前头脑风暴中的点相结合,体现内容的充实性。

2). body 1论点的论证(好处段)


a. 室内的措施---监控---起到震慑和提醒作用(与中心句中的in buildings形成一致)

For example, 24-hour surveillance cameras can remind(语气相对比较坚定) the would-be criminals that they have no chance to escape from the supervising(监管) of the police. Therefore, this kind of deterrent(震慑) makes those potential lawbreakers give up evil intension(罪恶念头).(典型的举例论证,37 words)

b. 室外的措施---警察巡逻---能够及时抓住罪犯(与中心句中的on street形成一致)

Meanwhile, the frequency of police patrols(警察巡逻) can stop illegal activities(违法行为), such as thefts and robberies, thus reducing the crime rate in open space directly and providing a safe living environment for local citizens. (典型的举例论证,33 words)


3). body 2论点的论证(缺点段)


段落示范:However, what we have to bear in mind is that there are also some negative effects when taking too many security measures in large city centers.(缺点中心句) One of the most worrying effects(重点讲一个方面即可) is that these anti-crime devices may increase(语气词弱化) the fear of crime and people’s freedom and privacy would be restricted or even invaded due to the surveillance cameras installed in many public places. All these may have a detrimental effect on people’s quality of life. (76 words)


4). 结尾段的写法


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