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1. Do you like animals?

Yes, I love them. I much prefer them to humans. They don't go around fucking up the planet, killing each other or their fellow creatures for no reason, or wiping out the entire species. They will never lie to you, cheat you, say mean things to you, or in any other way screw you over. People will do this in a nano-second.


2. What's your favourite animal?

I’m an animal lover. I can't imagine my life without horses. I've always loved horses and dreamed of having one from the time I was 2 years old.


3. What kinds of animals as a pet do the people have in your country?

Dogs. There are many extreme dog lovers who have lost the perspective. They often ignore their family, give all the love and attention to the dogs that they should be giving to their children or spouse.


4. Do you think cities are suitable places for keeping a pet?

As long as the pets don’t attack others, then yes. Keeping pets nearly becomes a common habit of modern people. There are many advantages of keeping pets in cities. Pets can make fun for their owners. They can offer assistance as well if the owner’s disabled.


5. What do you think are the benefits of a child having a pet?

Pets teach children responsibilities, as they need attention, feeding and exercise. Pets also serve as a wonderful companion as they bring us relaxation, enjoyment and laughter. A pet is a good idea for children as long as they are old enough to manage it.



Describe a time you were close to a wild animal.

You should say :

what animal it was

where you saw it what happened

when you saw it

and explain how do people in your country feel about this animal.

Sample answer:

The south China tiger is one of the endangered and rather precious species of carnivores in China. It is well acknowledged that they are as valuable as the pandas, due to their only presence in China all over the world.

The reason why people call them the south China tiger is because they live in south of China. Most of them were living in the mountains and forests in Hunan,Fujian,Guangdong,Henan and Shanxi Province. Technically, you could find them in the forest land and wild area where wild boar,buffalo and many kinds of deer were abundant. However,from 1950s,people began to hunt them,which caused huge declining.

Although the government set laws to protect them,the illegal hunting was continued.So,now I'm very sad to tell you that many experts believed that south China tiger has been extinct in the wild area.

There are only about 100 south China tigers living in several zoos and breed base places. All of them are feeding by people,which is a tragedy coz they are wild animals. But we don't have other choice,we have to protect them,they are going to die out.

In the past time,many animal photographers are devoted in taking photos of south China tigers. Thanks to them,we now have many valuable pictures when they were living in the wild area.


I am raising an Alaska dog, which is a large breed of domestic dog. My dog has a double coat:the undercoat is soft while the outer one is coarse and water-proof. Also, his coat hastwo colors, black and white.


In my opinion, his most attractive feature is the small upright ears which are out of proportion to the head. Having had this dog for almost a year, I find him intriguing. He is very smart, so he learns everything quickly. I once taught him how to fetch. Surprisingly enough, he successfully chased and retrieved the object after I tossed it for the second time. He acted as if he had intrinsically understood the game. He is also friendly to everyone,especially children. Whenever someone visits my house, instead of barking, he welcomes them by licking their feet.


For me, my dog is a friend I can play with after school. I often walk him around the park at the weekends and he seems to like this, as there are different dogs there. I also talk with himregularly and I feel that he can understand what I say. As a final point, I hope that my dog can live with me for a long time.


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