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1. Do you work somewhere?

Yes, I am working as a Business Analyst in a large IT company. the name of this company is IT Vista and I joined there 2 years ago.

2. What do you do for living?

The job is my main source of income. Apart from that I work as a part-time consultant in a Business organisation and do some professional content writing as a free lancer.

3. How much time do you spend at your job?

I spent around 8 hours everyday in my day job. I get Saturday and Sunday off from this job which I utilise to spend time with my family. I work about 4 hours as a consultant in another office on Friday and Sunday. Apart from that my free lancing career requires me 2 hours approximately each night. So on an average I spend around 9-10 hours per day at my job.

4. How long have you been working?

As a full-time employee I am working for the last 4 years. But I started my freelancing career far before than that.

5. Do you like your job?

Definitely I love my job. I love the work I do and I like to be productive in my job field. In fact my job brings me my bread and butter and I am grateful for having a nice job in a prestigious organisation.

6.What are you doing these days?

You mean in my office right? In my office I am working on requirement creation for a large software and I need to report the progress everyday to the team lead. Apart from that I am writing a pdf manual for a client.

7.What do you do in a typical day at work?

I mostly research different software and try to understand what the market leaders of a particular software are doing. I document their strong and weak points and then call a meeting to describe my findings. Then I take feedback from the developers and other senior managers to finalise my software requirement. I often attend meetings with my CEO and team members to track the progress of a project.


1.Is it easy to find work (employment) in your country?

Well, it really depends on what kind of jobs you’re looking for. Like, if you want to work in state companies, it’s quite hard to get in, since you have to have relationships and connections, people who introduce you for the job, but for something in private companies, it’s quite easy actually, as long as you have a college degree and some relevant working experience, it’s a piece of cake.

2.What changes have there been in recent years in employment in your country?

I think there have been many changes in the types of jobs that people do nowadays compared to 20 or 30 years ago. First of all there are much fewer jobs related to heavy industry such as mining or ship-building or even manufacturing. Secondly, there has been a big increase in the number of jobs in the service and leisure industries like shops, gyms, and hotels. And finally, since the launch of the internet there has been a big surge in the number of jobs related to IT, such as web development and design.

3.What jobs pay the highest salary in your country?

Well, I’m not exactly that sure, but my guess would be that things like banking and real estate are probably the sectors which pay the highest, because I mean, there's so much money invested in property here in China, so the salary's bound to be pretty good if you work in real estate. And as for banking, well, I think it goes without saying that most jobs related to banking are relatively highly-paid, which is one of the main reasons why so many graduates here wanna find a job in a bank!

4.Do you think changing jobs is a positive thing to do?

Yeah, I'd say it's perfectly fine to change jobs. I mean, I can't see any point in doing one job throughout your whole career if you're bored out of your wits! So for me I would say the main thing is to be passionate about your job, and if at any point you start to lose enthusiasm in what you're doing, then it might be a good time to consider moving on and doing something else.

5.What age do you think is suitable to start work?

Well, it's really kind of hard to generalize, because some people feel ready to start work as soon as they've finished high school, and a lot of people who've done this have ended up quite successful. But I guess it probably also depends on what job you wanna do, because highly-skilled jobs, like being a doctor or surgeon for example, require many years of training, whereas menial jobs, like working behind a till at McDonald's, hardly require any training, so probably any age from 15 would be suitable for that kind of work.

6.How do you think work will change over the next few decades?

That's a good question, and thinking about it, I guess one thing that could happen is that more people might start working from home, simply because it's becoming more and more inconvenient travelling to work due to traffic congestion. So that's one thing, and I guess it's also quite possible that work, in general, will become more internet-based, because the influence of the internet on people's work has increased incredibly in the last 10 years or so, and I can't see this changing. I mean, more or less everything we do now can be done on the internet, and because it's so convenient, I would say it will play an even bigger role in our lives in years to come.


Describe an interesting job you would like to do in the future.

You should say:

what job it would be;

what qualities are required for this job;

whether it would be an easy job to do;

and explain why you would like to do this job.


How do young people choose their career in your country?

Do they usually make their choice based on money or is their choice usually based on what they are interested in doing?

What sorts of work (or, what careers) are most popular with young people in your country?

Where do young people get advice about choosing a career?

Why do some people like their job while others don't like their job?

Why do people sometimes lose interest in (or, come to dislike) their job?


If I could choose any job in the world, I would want to be a travel writer. This is a profession I admire and respect, and I believe I will be extremely successful at it. I have been intrigued by travel since I was knee-high to a grasshopper. I really want to be a globe trotter. I have some really romantic ideals that involve a job like this.

To be successful at this job requires an open mind, good physical health and a friendly character. The demands of travel can be quite taxing on the body. You need to be able to walk for miles and sometimes sleep in some rough and ready places. You also need to get the right vaccinations against common maladies like malaria and rabies.

I think this job may seem easy at face value, but I think it's a lot harder than people realize. Not every country is a bed of roses. Some places have some extremely harsh conditions and there is often some danger thrown into the mix.

I am naturally a very curious person and I am also intrigued by new cultures and countries. I am also a very adventurous eater, so I would thoroughly enjoy sampling the treats from the different corners of the globe. I think I would learn a lot from my new friends around the world.

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