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Some people think that the government should offer financial support and care to the elderly, while others think that people should save money for their future life. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

It is expected that in the future the proportion of older people will become larger than the younger people in many countries. Is this a positive or negative development?


be responsible for 对...负责

A is the responsibility of B A是B的责任

be obligated to 有义务...

aging population 老龄人口

pension 养老金

superannuation 退休金

senior citizens 老年人

twilight years 晚年

retirement 退休

retirement house/nursing home 养老院



1. 政府养老是必须的。老人付出过奉献过,应该得到尊重和照顾。





Some people believe that the government is obligated to take care of the old, while others think that individuals should depend on themselves. From my perspective, these two viewpoints do not contradict with each other.

I absolutely agree with the opinion that taking care of the old is the responsibility of the government. The elderly deserves the respect and attention from our whole society since they have worked hard and contributed when they were young. The government should spare no effort to improve the elderly's twilight years as the status of the old reflects the degree of our civilization. To be more specific, apart from providing basic pensions to the elderly, the government should establish free retirement houses for the old. What's more, high quality private nursing homes should also be subsidized to alleviate the pressure of senior citizens.

Nevertheless, individuals should also try to save for their retirement if they want to have a decent future. Although pension is offered in most countries, the sum of it is not big. In fact, it can only cover the cost of living. If the retiree want a more enjoyable retirement, he/she has to save for his/her own. In others words, indibiduals should not rely entirely on the government's financial support. They should definitely have a back-up plan.

What's more, the young generation is also responsible for taking care of the old. Seniors could be encouraged to live with their sons and/or daughters, which is very common in Asian countries. Living in an extended family not only makes the old happier but also saves energy and resources as fwer houses are needed.

In conclusion, the government should definitely provide superannuation and other financial aid to senior citizens. Meanwhile, individuals should also save up for their retirement. In fact, looking after the old is the responsibility of every member of our society.


The older generations tend to have very traditional ideas about how people should live, think and behave. However, some people believe that these ideas are not helpful in preparing younger generations for modern life.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with this view?

It is true that many older people believe in traditional values that often seem incompatible with the needs of younger people. While I agree that some traditional ideas are outdated, I believe that others are still useful and should not be forgotten.

On the one hand, many of the ideas that elderly people have about life are becoming less relevant for younger people. In the past, for example, people were advised to learn a profession and find a secure job for life, but today’s workers expect much more variety and diversity from their careers(职业,生涯). At the same time, the ‘rules’ around relationships are being eroded as young adultsmake their own choices about who and when to marry. But perhapsthe greatest disparity between the generations can be seen in their attitudes towards gender roles. The traditional roles of men and women, as breadwinners and housewives, are no longer accepted as necessary or appropriate by most younger people.


1. 以前找到稳定的工作 – 现在职业追求多样性

2. 以前父母做主- 现在自己选择伴侣和何时结婚

3. 男女角色观念 – 如今不接受男主外女主内


be incompatible with 和… 矛盾

outdated过时的 = obsolete

becoming less relevant 改写题目的are not helpful

earn a profession and find a secure job 学习某个行业,找到稳定的工作

expect much more variety and diversity期待多样性

erode the rules around relationships破坏关于关系的规定

the greatest disparity between the generations can be seen in…代与代之间较大的不同是在 …



Older people must be given more chances to learn if they are to contribute to society rather than be a financial burden 经济负担, according to a new study on population published today.

The current approach which concentrates on younger people and on skills for employment is inadequate 不充足 to meet the challenges of demographic 人口的 change, it says. Only 1% of the education budget is currently spent on the oldest third of the population.

The challenges include the fact that most people can expect to spend a third of their lives in retirement, that there are now more people over 59 than under 16 and that 11.3 million people are over state pension age 国家退休金年龄. Life expectancy 预期寿命 for a 65-year-old is now 85 for men and 88 for women.

"Learning needs to continue throughout life. "The vast majority of our education budget is spent on people below the age of 25. When people are changing their jobs, homes, partners and lifestyles more often than ever, they need opportunities to learn at every age." For example, some people are starting new careers in their 50s and later.

People need opportunities to make a "midlife review 回顾中年" to adjust to the later stages of employed life, and to plan for the transition 过渡 to retirement, which may now happen unpredictably at any point from 50 to over 90.

And there should be more money available to support people in establishing a sense of identity and finding constructive roles for the "third age", the 20 or more years they will spend in healthy retired life.

The same goes for the expanding "fourth age" when people need to maintain identity, health, social engagement and wellbeing during the final stages of life. In an era of greater mobility there should be more help for people to establish themselves in new relationships and places.

With the downturn in the economy 经济下滑 affecting the value of all types of pensioners, people need to continue learning. Some need to maintain skills to earn and support dependents 保持能力去赚钱和帮助需要依靠的人. Others can do voluntary work more effectively if they can retain and update their skills and knowledge保持或更新技能和知识 .

Even if it is right for the bulk of public大众 funding to be spent in this way, government needs to consider how the other kinds of learning need are to be met 达到要求, and to ask whether 1% of the public education budget is a proper share 合适的比例 to tackle the learning needs of a third of the population 指老年人群体."

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