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题目1:It is more important for the government to spend money on new buildings than to preserve historic or traditional buildings and homes...


题目2:It is important for the governments to provide money to things that are beautiful and not just for things that are practical.




题目3:People can solve important problems by themselves or with the help from their family members so there's no need for the government to help them.


Do you agree or disagree? The government should support scientific researches even though these researches have no practical use.

During times of economic crisis, which area of spending do you think the government should reduce: education, healthcare or support for the unemployed?



一般学生可以从两个角度出发寻找思路,一种是政府在实行政策或措施或是投资时有没有给当地带来经济收入( financial benefit)或者刺激经济发展(stimulate economic development)。另一个角度则是政府是否通过该举措满足了人民的某种需求。比如对于对于以上题目1,如果选择政府建设新房,从带来经济收入来看,房地产可以带动当地经济发展;又可以解决人的住房需求。选择修缮旧建筑,则是对历史建筑的保存,可以带动当地旅游业,也可以帮助当地人了解当地文化。



human development index HDI 人类发展指数

regulate 调节,管理

sensible policy 合理的政策

allocate money for… 为…拔款

budget 预算

tax revenue 税收

unemployment rate 失业率

workforce 劳动力

healthcare system 医疗体系

authorities 当局

priority 优先

democratic 民主的

lay down strict rules and regulations 制定严格的规章制度


Some people believe that creative people working in art, such as painting and music, should be supported financially by the government of their country. But others think that people should find a financial support in other sources instead. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. 一些人认为在艺术领域工作的有创造力的人,如绘画和音乐,应该由他们的国家政府资助他们。但其他人认为,人们应该找到一个其他来源而不是金钱方面的支持资助。讨论双方的观点并给出你的意见。

How to allocate the limited government fund in the most effective way has always been a hotly debated topic across the world. More recently, discussions about whether the government should fund people working in art have again aroused much controversy.

Some people believe that government should take up the responsibility of funding people working in art for the benefits they bring. To start with, the development of cultural industry can generate abundant wealth which serves as a material foundation for the national development. It can be easily understood through the example of France where the fashion industry contributes profusely to its GDP. Moreover, it is a fact that the cultural benefit which artists bring to a nation is invisible. Since funding artists can propel the development of cultural industry, which is regarded as a soft power for a nation to fulfill a better role in the international affairs.

Nevetheless, other people maintain that funding the art industry can be wallet-draining for the government. Therefore, they believe it would be better for other institutions to take up this responsibility instead. They hold the view that funding the art can be a risky investment which can not yield quick returns and that government fund would be better used to solve some more urgent problems like education and healthcare.

From my perspective, I favor the view that government should fund people working in art since it is not just a form of funding but also a form of worthy investment. Unobvious as it may seem, this investment can yield excellent results for a nation both materially and culturally.


题目:Many people think that arts (painting and music) do not directly improve people's life, so the government should spend money on other important areas. Do you agree or disagree?







While the economy is booming in many countries, the funding for arts has been decreasing. The main reason is that some people overly emphasize social services such as medical care and education, but underestimate the intangible role of the arts as they find it difficult to quantify their benefits.

If we were to judge something by its material value, social service surely plays a more direct role in benefiting people’s life than the arts. For example, education empowers people with knowledge and skills that make capable workers. Improving healthcare system leads to better public health and better quality of life. Tackling environmental issues can make the earth a better place for us to live. If the taxpayers’ money is put into the development of infrastructure, living standard would be increased. However, these do not necessarily increase the happiness of people as they are by nature emotionally connected to the world around them. That is to say the quality of life does not solely depend on materialism.

Humans are emotional beings and need not only bread to eat but also roses to enjoy. It is the arts that deal with the non-material aspects of life such as passions, values and relationships which significantly influence people’s feelings and judgments. The arts in many various forms have to do with human’s inner feelings and value system which are ultimately central to people’s behaviors. Another important benefit is that the arts inspire people to see their world from a personal point of view which is usually very unique and creative. And creativity and innovation is a crucial quality for an individual to excel in society and make the best of their life. Other values of the arts include relaxation and entertainment, safe way of channeling energy and passion, enhancing understanding between cultures and races.

To conclude, the arts are as important as basic social services for humans, although they benefit us in different ways. To maintain a healthy and robust society, governments should offer financial support in all areas of society including the arts.

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