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例如:Do you think it is important for people to do sports?

考生回答:yes, I think it is important for people to do sports.之后再加上拓展。


因为口语考试时间也有限,并且在part 1中大部分考官对学生的答案给予不太充足的时间(可能只有两句到三句话的时间就继续提问),如果考生在这种情况下还是以重复问题开头,既占用了学生展示自己语言能力的时间(因为在重复了问题之后,考生很有可能只会有一句或两句话的机会来具体说自己的观点并进行拓展),同时会让考官觉得从内容上来说没有太多新的信息,相对表达啰嗦,同时会让考官觉得有背诵固定结构的感觉(可能会影响分数)。


这里所说的背诵痕迹明显,并不是大家以为的将雅思考试part 1和part 2的内容完全背过,机械的在考场上背诵出来,而是指在一些比较简单的题目中,因为背诵固定套路,给出非常多无关的答案,影响交流的有效性。

例如:where do you come from?

考生回答:I come from Xi’an,which is an old city with hundreds years of history. I like my hometown verymuch because there are many different kinds of delicious food such as ….

其中,这个题目一般作为考试刚开始时的预热问题,所以主要就是为了让学生慢慢进入状态,而该学生的答案,给予考官太多信息,并且在具体内容上,考官并没有询问Do you like your hometown, 而该学生第二句的答案则明显回答考官没有询问的问题,所以跑题。这样的过度扩展,给出跟原先问题无关的答案,只会让考官有考生背诵答案的感觉。



例如:Is chocolate popular in your country?

考生回答:yes, because it’s delicious.




例如:Do you prefer taking photos by yourself or by other people?

考生回答:em… well…, I prefer take photos by myself. Sorry, taking photos bymyself. Because I don’t, eh, I look ugly when others take photos for me. …



在我自己授课的过程中,每当我问到雅思口语高分可不可以出现语法错误时,几乎90%考生都会回答不应该。这样的认识其实是有误区的。首先从语法单项的评分规则来看,六分和七分中都并没有提到:few grammatical errors。相反,7分的要求仅仅是:frequent error-free sentences。如果七分也只是要求频繁出现不错的句子,6分的要求则会更低。而从雅思官方给出的很多口语高分范例答案中,考生在7或8分的水平也并不是完全没有语法错误。所以对于那些总觉得自己说的所有句子都应该没有错误才能拿到高分的同学,请你们不用那么苛求自己。

但是,这里请大家注意,虽然烤鸭可以在口语中犯语法错误,但是并不意味着大家就不应该提高自己的语法使用精确度。从我之前参加雅思官方培训的反馈,考官判断学生语法水平的要求是:How effectively you deliver your meaning, 换句话来说,是指考生本人说出来的句子,考官能不能比较轻松的听懂意思。如果困难越小,则该学生语法程度越好。而如果考生本人存在大量基础语法错误,可能考官连你想说的意思都没办法“猜”出来,当然会影响分数。











1. Wrong: “listen music” Right: “listen to music”

2. Wrong: “she give me a doll” Right: ”she gave me a doll”

3. Wrong: “I’m from Zhejiang Wenzhou”, Right: “I’m from Wenzhou (city), in Zhejiang Province”.

4. Wrong: “The place located in…” Right: “The place is located in…”

5. Wrong: “it become more expensive” Right” It has become more expensive” or “it is becoming more expensive”

6. Wrong: “TV grams” Right: “TV programs”

7. Wrong: “lots of beauty sightseeings” Right: “lots of beautiful sights” or “lots of wonderful scenery”

8. Wrong: “play computer” Right: ”play computer games” or “play on the computer”

9. Wrong: “the most cheapest” Right: ”the cheapest”

10. Wrong: “more cheaper than” Right: ”cheaper than”

11. Wrong: “it will more expensive” Right: ”it will be more expensive” or “it will become more expensive”

12. Wrong: “in rainy days” Right: ”on rainy days”

13. Wrong: “my father think…” Right: ”my father thinks”

14. Wrong: “I’m a person who like to…” Right: ”I’m a person who likes to…”

15. Wrong: “we are intelligent than computers” Right: ”we are more intelligent than computers”

16. Wrong: “I like go shopping” Right: ”I like going shopping”

17. Wrong: “I like take photo” Right: ”I like taking photos”

18. Wrong: “it’s last year” Right: “it was last year”

19. Wrong: “when I’m in primary school” Right: ”when I was in primary school”

20. Wrong: “let their children to go out” Right: ”let their children go out”

21. Wrong: “the first thing comes to mind is…” Right: ”the first thing that comes to mind is…”

22. Wrong: “such like” Right: ”such as” or “like”

23. Wrong: “I often talk to my neighbourhoods” Right: ”I often talk to my neighbours”

24. Wrong: “in the past time” Right: “in the past”

25. Wrong: “in the past, clothes are very cheap” Right: ”in the past, clothes used to be very cheap”

26. Wrong: “I like there” Right: ”I like it there”

27. Wrong: “teached me” Right: ”taught me”

28. Wrong: “you will success” Right: ”you will succeed”

29. Wrong: “I went to the Beijing” Right: ”I went to Beijing”

30. Wrong: “go to abroad” Right: ”go abroad”

31. Wrong: “a people I met” Right: ”a person I met” or “someone I met”

32. Wrong: “other countries people” Right: ”people from other countries” or “people from around the world”

33. Wrong: “it’s depend” Right: ”it depends”

34. Wrong: “I will watching” Right: ”I will watch”

35. Wrong: “at that day” Right: ”on that day”

36. Wrong: “drive a bicycle” Right: ”ride a bicycle” or “cycle”

37. Wrong: “my home is just have one bedroom” Right: ”my home just has one bedroom”

38. Wrong: “not very much museums” Right: ”not very many museums”

39. Wrong: “many food” Right: ”a lot of food”

40. Wrong: “we chatted very happy” Right: ”we chatted very happily”

41. Wrong: “some moneys” Right: ”some money”

42. Wrong: “they are easy to forget things” Right: ”they easily forget things”

43. Wrong: “cars product exhaust” Right: ”cars produce exhaust” or “cars emit exhaust”

44. Wrong: “museum is important” Right: ”museums are important”

45. Wrong: “cars is much convenient than…” Right: ”cars are much more convenient than…”

46. Wrong: “in nowadays” Right: ”nowadays”

47. Wrong: “ I have never drive a car” Right: ”I’ve never driven a car”

48. Wrong: “I study here is about 4 years” Right: ”I’ve studied here for about 4 years”

49. Wrong: “people is” Right: ”people are”

50. Wrong: “she hope me to be a…” Right: ”she hopes I will become a…”




Part I问题:Why did you choose to study that subject?针对这个问题,可能你的口语老师会教你用"the reason why I…is that…"这个句型来回答。但所有考生在第一次作答时,基本上都会忽略所提出问题的时态,而在作答时用一般现在时来回答:The reason why I choose to study this subject is that I am interested in learning it at that time。

很显然,正确的回答应该把句中的choose变为chose,is变为was,am也要相应的变成was: 如:The reason why I chose to study this subject was that I was interested in learning it at that time.

雅思口语语法错误二,there be句型与have/has混杂使用

这一问题的出现,要归罪于现在完成时的there be句型,如There has been a big change in my hometown.有许多考生在记住这个句子之后在想表示"有"这个谓语动词的时候都,往往会把there be与have/has同时出现在一句话中,而句子的含义并非想表达现在完成时。如:There have many wild animals in my country. 而正确的说法为There are many wild animals in my country.或My country has many wild animals.


在形容词变比较级与比较高级时,只有三个音节以上(含三个音节)的形容词才需要加more或the most,其他的形容词都是直接加er或者去y变ier的规则变化,但是有的考生在作答时极易忽略该形容词是否规则变化,而想当然的再三音节以下的形容词前加more或the most。如:It's more easy for me to find a job with this major. 而正确的说法为:It's easier for me to find a job with this major.


你可能可以熟练的背出"ing是形容一件事或一种东西,ed是形容人"这一口诀,但是你敢肯定自己在作答中不会犯这种错误码?看以下及组形容词:interesting与interested;exciting与excited;surprising与surprised。什么叫形容人?基本上来讲,可能出现的情况无非以下两种:a. somebody + be动词 + 以ed结尾的形容词 + 介词 + something 如:I'm surprised about this piece of news. b. something make(s) somebody + 以ed结尾的形容词 如:This piece of news makes me surprised. 什么叫形容一件事或一种东西?也就是:a. something + be动词 + 以ing结尾的形容词 如:This piece of news is surprising. b. 以ing结尾的形容词 + 名词 如This is a surprising piece of news.


有些动词短语的搭配是固定的,只有把短语完整的说全的情况下才可以接之后的名词,但许多考生很容易忽视这一点。如:listen to, go to, look forward to, pay attention to等等。所以我们要在练习中尽可能的回忆当时学校课堂上所交的那些口诀,来确保每一个说出的动词短语不会遗忘任何成分。


有的考生会因为过度重视时态问题,如一味的想着整个作答都要基于某种时态而忽略情态动词后要加动词原形这一原则。如I thought the reason why I chose to study that subject was I could got a better job after learning that。而正确的说法则是I thought the reason why I chose to study that subject was I could get a better job after learning that.



1. Wrong: “listen music”

Right: “listen to music”

2. Wrong: “she give me a doll”

Right: ”she gave me a doll”

3. Wrong: “I’m fromSichuan Chengdu”

Right: “I’m from Chengdu (city), in Sichuan Province”.

4. Wrong: “The place located in…”

Right: “The place is located in…”

5. Wrong: “it become more expensive”

Right:” It has become more expensive” or “it is becoming more expensive”

6. Wrong: “TV grams”

Right: “TV programs”

7. Wrong: “lots of beauty sightseeings”

Right: “lots of beautiful sights” or “lots of wonderful scenery”

8. Wrong: “play computer”

Right: ”play computer games” or “play on the computer”

9. Wrong: “the most cheapest”

Right: ”the cheapest”

10. Wrong: “more cheaper than”

Right: ”cheaper than”

11. Wrong: “it will more expensive”

Right: ”it will be more expensive” or “it will become more expensive”

12. Wrong: “in rainy days”

Right: ”on rainy days”

13. Wrong: “my father think…”

Right: ”my father thinks”

14. Wrong: “I’m a person who like to…”

Right: ”I’m a person who likes to…”

15. Wrong: “we are intelligent than computers”

Right: ”we are more intelligent than computers”

16. Wrong: “I like go shopping”

Right: ”I like going shopping”

17. Wrong: “I like take photo”

Right: ”I like taking photos”

18. Wrong: “it’s last year”

Right: “it was last year”

19. Wrong: “when I’m in primary school”

Right: ”when I was in primary school”

20. Wrong: “let their children to go out”

Right: ”let their children go out”

21. Wrong: “the first thing comes to mind is…”

Right: ”the first thing that comes to mind is…”

22. Wrong: “such like”

Right: ”such as” or “like”

23. Wrong: “I often talk to my neighbourhoods”

Right: ”I often talk to my neighbours”

24. Wrong: “in the past time”

Right: “in the past”

25. Wrong: “in the past, clothes are very cheap”

Right: ”in the past, clothes used to be very cheap”

26. Wrong: “I like there”

Right: ”I like it there”

27. Wrong: “teached me”

Right: ”taught me”

28. Wrong: “you will success”

Right: ”you will succeed”

29. Wrong: “I went to the Beijing”

Right: ”I went to Beijing”

30. Wrong: “go to abroad”

Right: "go abroad”

上一篇:雅思的作文语法 下一篇:提高雅思语法

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