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1.定语从句He points out the data on the swimmers in second and third place, which shows that the one who finished third actually swam faster.(剑6-test1-reading1)

句子分析:主干He points out the data,on the swimmers in second and third place定语修饰data; which引导非限定性定语从句,that引导宾语从句,who引导限定性定语从句修饰the one.这个句子虽然是阅读文章中的一个简单的定语从句,但是我们可以从中学习如何分析,从而进行运用,而口语中的定语从句的运用一般就是比较简单的,不会像阅读文章中的长难句那么复杂。再分析长难句的时候考生可以先找出主干,在分析修饰成分,那么在口语的表达中自然要明确你要表达的是什么,然后在加上一些修饰成分,按照定语从句的句式组成来进行即可。

2. 状语从句——时间状语When fully developed, this system willenable him to build a biomechanical profile for coaches to use to help budding swimmers.

句子分析:this system主语,will enable him to build谓语(enable sb to do sth), a biomechanical profile for coaches…双宾语; When fully developed时间状语,help doing .时间状语从句是我们口头上最常用的状语从句,同样要明确你要表达的主干,而时间状语只是一个限定的作用“在……的时候,当……的时候”这是口语表达不可缺少的成分但是会相对比较简单,类似于“When 1 have fun or have a holiday, I feel time flies”。

当然除了这些从句,考生还要注意名词性从句—主语从句和宾语从句的应用,以及一些特殊的句式,倒装句,there be 句型等的灵活运用。


对基本的句式有所了解之后,考生需要明白的就是各个成分一般由什么词来承担,当然是通常的情况下,所以考生需要掌握各种词性的作用,这样对句子的分析和构成都会有很大的帮助。例如,动词一般都是充当谓语的成分,而名词则一般充当主语或者宾语的成分。代词则会视情况而定,如名词性物主代词I, they, he, she, it等一般充当主语,而他们的宾格him,her,them,it则做宾语,形容词一般是表语,副词一般修饰动词或者是副词……

下面例句几个口语中的句子:1. I(名词性物主代词充当主语) definitely(副词修饰动词apologize) apologize(谓语) to my friends(不定式做宾语) for being late(介词短语作原因状语);2. Art(名词作主语) is(be动词做表语) super important(形容词做表语)。3. It (代词主格做主语)can affect (情态动词+动词原形作谓语)the viewers(名词作宾语)。从上述几个简单的例子,可以看出,如果考生能够对词性的作用了如指掌的话,那么不管是在分析句子还是组合句子的时候都可以很清晰迅速的完成。



常见的连接词有:1. 表转折——although, however, on the contrary, but, in spite of ……2. 表让步——although、while、as long as、whereas……3. 表并列——and, furthermore, more than that, also, likewise……4. 表因果——as a result, for, thus, because, for this reason, so ,therefore……5. 表顺序或过程——first, second, third, and so on, then, after, before, next……6. 表比较——as…as、like、more…than、unlike……7. 表递进——furthermore、moreover、besides、not only…but also……8. 表解释说明——for example、such as、I mean、in other words、namely……9. 表归纳总结——accordingly, in shout, thus, consequently, in conclusion……





问题:Why did you choose to study that subject?

针对这个问题,可能口语老师会教你用"the reason why I…is that…"这个句型来回答。但所有考生在第一次作答时,基本上都会忽略所提出问题的时态,而在作答时用一般现在时来回答:The reason why I choose to study this subject is that I am interested in learning it at that time。很显然,正确的回答应该把句中的choose变为chose,is变为was,am也要相应的变成was: 如:The reason why I chose to study this subject was that I was interested in learning it at that time.

2、there be句型与have/has混杂使用

这一问题的出现,要归罪于现在完成时的there be句型,如There has been a big change in my hometown.有许多考生在记住这个句子之后在想表示"有"这个谓语动词的时候都,往往会把there be与have/has同时出现在一句话中,而句子的含义并非想表达现在完成时。如:There have many wild animals in my country. 而正确的说法为There are many wild animals in my country.或My country has many wild animals.


在形容词变比较级与比较高级时,只有三个音节以上(含三个音节)的形容词才需要加more或the most,其他的形容词都是直接加er或者去y变ier的规则变化,但是有的考生在作答时极易忽略该形容词是否规则变化,而想当然的再三音节以下的形容词前加more或the most。如:It's more easy for me to find a job with this major. 而正确的说法为:It's easier for me to find a job with this major.




A.somebody + be动词 + 以ed结尾的形容词 + 介词 + something 如:I'm surprised about this piece of news.

B.something make(s) somebody + 以ed结尾的形容词 如:This piece of news makes me surprised.


A.something + be动词 + 以ing结尾的形容词 如:This piece of news is surprising.

B.以ing结尾的形容词 + 名词 如:This is a surprising piece of news.


有的考生会因为过度重视时态问题,如一味的想着整个作答都要基于某种时态而忽略情态动词后要加动词原形这一原则。如:I thought the reason why I chose to study that subject was I could got a better job after learning that.而正确的说法则是I thought the reason why I chose to study that subject was I could get a better job after learning that.


1. I've joined a club where I can play chess.

(become a member of a club)

2. I live in a one-parent family / single-parent family.

(a family where the children live with only one parent)

3. I really enjoy my family life.

(the way a familiy lives)

4. I come from a big family of eight children.

(the group of people who are related to you)

5. I grew up knowing that my elder brother would take over the family business one day.

(the job your parents and probably your grandparents used to do)

6. I like photography.

(the skill or process of taking photographs)

7. I'm mad about DIY. I think this is a very good hobby for people who have a house but don't have much money.

(do it yourself; the activity of making and repairing things yourself around your home)

8. I took up golf when I was at school.

(to start a hobby for the first time)

9. A lot of people / homeless sleep rough / live rough in cardboard boxes.

(you sleep outside because you have no home)

10. The families were evicted for not paying the rent.

(to force a person to leave the building or land where they live)

11. We're moving house next week.

(you go and live in another house)

12. I usually go jogging two or three times a week.

(run slow y, especially as a form of exercise)

13.I am sweating like a pig, and I'm not doing anything.

14.Let's stay at home; you could fry eggs on the sidewalk.

15. In winter, I do quite a lot of skiing.

(in English you normally do a lot of / a bit of sport)

16. In summer, I play tennis and cricket.

(in English you normally play a game)


1. 可以学习一下“Side by Side” (朗文国际英语教程)。

比较好与它的听力材料一起用。此书有四册,第1,2册看起来也许太简单了, 但许多学生仍然可以受益于它们。它们读起来简单,但你会发现,但真得用起来并非总是如此简单, 特别是在口语中。如果它们对你真是很容易,利用它们来快速复习。

2. “Collins Cobuild English Grammar” (考林斯英语词语用法词典)。

可以当作参考书来用。朗文国际英语教程没有详细的语法解释, 只是提供了许多对话形式的练习。因此,如果您使用朗文时需要更多地了解语法,参考这本书。在学习以上书籍时, 注意学习如何运用连词来造较长较复杂的句子。要想在语法上得6分或以上,你必须会用这些复杂句。

我建议你特别要会经常使用“which”。如果考官很少或从未听到您使用这个词,你给考官的印象是:“这考生语法不到6分,可能口语总分也不到6分”。另一方面,如果你经常使用这个词,你给考官的印象是:“这考生听起来像是6分或以上的水平” 。当然,仅仅常用“which”不足以保证在语法分项评分和口语总分上得6分或以上,但它的确是一个好迹象。

3. 我注意到普通中国学生除了在现在时很少用“there be”。

可是在英语国家里,它用得很普遍。这样的学生在句型上会很有限。你应该掌握使用不同时态的“there be”句型。包括'There was ...' & 'There were...'; 'There'll be ...' & 'There might be ...'; 'There used to be ... '; 'There's been ...' (= 'There has been ...') & 'There've been ...'(= 'There have been ...'); 'There'd be ... ' (= 'There would be ... ') etc。

4. 语法部分是否能得高分的三个关键:

1) 是否经常犯小错误

2) 是否经常使用复杂句

3) 是否能够运用较高级的语法,比如:

a) Reported Speech (间接引语) and

b) Conditional Clauses (条件从句)。

在回答"Why did you ... ?"问题或与其类似问题时,间接引语可以变得非常有用。

如:"I chose to study that because I thought it would lead to a secure job"。


因为它不仅表明你有较高水平的语法知识,而且也帮你提供额外信息和进一步说明你的意思。这会给考官留下一个很好的印象:这人沟通技巧不错。举例来说,在第二阶段谈论建议(“advice”)主题时,你可能会讲你父亲建议你选择职业。然后,在结束你的故事时,你可能会说:"Yes, I'm so glad my father gave me that advice. If he hadn't given me that advice,I'm sure I would have made a big mistake in my choice of career"。或者 "If he hadn't explained to me why my original choice of career was unsuitable, I'm sure I would have made a big mistake"。

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