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《叫我第一名》是由彼得·沃纳执导,Thomas Rickman等编剧,吉米·沃尔克,特里特·威廉斯,多米尼克·斯科特·凯伊, 莎拉·德鲁等主演的励志传记轻喜剧。下面小编为大家整理的叫我第一名英文简介,希望对大家有用!


《叫我第一名》Front of the Class——一切皆有可能"

Front of the Class"is a true story of a young man, Brad Cohen, with Tourette syndrome who wants to become a teacher and get his master's degree. It's a very simple story made magical and engaging by the strength of its starring, James Wolk.


Brad Cohen is a Tourette's patient, his body will unconsciously twitch and make funny noises. He has been looked upon by people with special respect, classmates bullied him.Until the headmaster called Mel in the school explained everything on the concert.Brad started to really be understood, accepted, and Mel principal has changed little Brad.He wants to become a teacher.Tireless efforts in gradually, Brad has finally become respected by the people around, loveed, supported, the teacher Cohen.


Illness, inner torment, people do not understand, Brad overcame it all, success. Like James Walker's excellent performance, a Brad Cohen character so lifelike image.Impressed me most is his smile, confident like warm sunlight can melt all the ice.He was hurt and cry after, with a cry that touches me in deep remorse.Of course, in real life, Brad Cohen is more worthy of our admiration, his efforts and achievements inspired me.


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