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《丑女贝蒂》Ugly Betty——很多有趣的人物角色"

Ugly Betty"is pure delight. It's funny, sweet, and lovable, just like its title character, played by the wonderful Emmy-winning(for the first season)actress, America Ferrera.


The premise of the show doesn't sound very sweet:a man hires Betty as an assistant to his son, who works on a fashion magazine, because she's‘ugly'and he won't be attracted to her. But the show goes beyond this superficial premise right from the start.Betty is so lovable, as is her family, and ends up keeping the job because of who she is.Daniel, her boss, also isn't as superficial as he seems from the premise.He ends up being likable as well.As for whether or not he actually is attracted to Betty or not, you’d have to watch the whole series to find out.


Other characters are great as well;there's Wilhelmina Slater, played by Emmy-nominated(for the first three seasons)actress Vanessa Williams, who is the villain of the show. Then there's Amanda and Marc, superficial best friends who work for the magazine, Marc as Wilhelmina's assistant.


There are also some good love interests such as Henry(Christopher Gorham),a sweet and geeky accountant that Betty falls for. There are other good ones as well, but you'll have to see them for yourself!


The episodes were very funny, the writing was witty and clever, and the acting was great. The storylines were usually interesting and certainly unique.


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