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《真爱至上》Love Actually——真爱大集合

Love Actually is a film about love in its many forms and guises:love between siblings, love between parents and children, love between spouses, puppy love, platonic love, unrequited love, and(of course)sexual/romantic love. The last, unsurprisingly, gets the most screen time as Curtis delights in pairing off a number of his characters.The"central romance",if there can be considered to be one, is between the British Prime Minister(Hugh Grant)and a shapely assistant, Natalie(former U.K.soap star Martine McCutcheon).Other couplings involve writer Jamie(Colin Firth)and his Portuguese maid, Aurelia(Lucina Moniz);widower Daniel(Liam Neeson)and the mother of his step-son's classmate;the PM's sister, Karen(Emma Thomspon),and her husband, Harry(Alan Rickman);Harry's subordinate, Susan(Laura Linney),and a younger co-worker, Carl(Rodrigo Santoro).Meanwhile, people like aging pop star Billy Mac(Bill Nighy)and a details-oriented department store clerk(Rowan Atkinson)are around to provide comic relief.


The problem with Love Actually, as is often the case with large ensembles, is that we don't spend nearly enough time with the interesting characters. Half of the stories presented in the film are suffciently engaging that they could warrant their own feature, and it becomes a little frustrating to get only the Cliff Notes version.Character development is spotty, which pretty much goes with the territory when you divide 129 minutes by about 18 signifcant parts.How much can a writer do when he has an average of about 7 minutes to work with for each individual?One often gets the sense that the state of love is more important to Curtis than the people he uses to examine it.


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