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《罗马假日》Roman Holiday——真实的爱情来自民间

Roman Holiday is remembered for one thing, and one thing only, Audrey Hepburn. It was the movie that made her a star.It earned her a Best Actress Academy Award.She had that undescribable something that glowed on screen.


Hepburn plays Princess Anne, who is on a European Goodwill tour, filled with parades, meetings and public appearances. Tired and bored from the tight schedule she must keep, she sneaks out at night to see Rome.She soon meets Joe, who unbeknownst to her is a reporter.Joe soon discovers who she is, and invites her to let him show her around, all the time doing it for a story that will net him some money.Eddie Albert plays Joe's photographer friend who, in some of the funniest scenes, cannot take a hint.He tags along while secretly taking pictures of Anne.


They have a fun time seeing many tourists sights. To escape the secret service that are looking for the Princess, they jump into a river and swim to shore.Soaking wet, and caught up in the moment, they kiss.Of course the two fall in love.They go back to Joe's apartment, and for a brief moment, imagine a life together.They both know a relationship could not work.As Joe says,"Life isn't always what one likes".


The movie's last scene is its best. Princess Anne gives a press conference, and sees Joe among the reporters and realizes what has been going on.They exchange a few words masked as a reporter interviewing a celebrity, but they are saying so much more to each other.


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