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A:Good morning.My name is Carl Smith.I m from Australia.Here is my card.早安,我是卡尔·史密斯,澳大利亚人,这是我的名片。

B:Thank you.Pleased to meet you,Mr.Smith.My name is Li Wei,the representative of Sheng Da Textiles Import and Export Company.谢谢。史密斯先生,很高兴见到您。我叫李伟,是盛达纺织品进出口公司的代表。

A:Pleased to meet you too.Mr.Li,I travel a lot every year on business,but this is my first visit to China,I must say I have been much impressed by your friendly people.见到您我也很高兴,李先生。我每年做生意走过许多地方,但是,到中国来还是头一次。友好的中国人民给了我深刻的印象。

B:Thank you for your saying so.Have you seen the exhibition halls?On display are most of our products,such as silks,cotton piece goods,garments.谢谢您的称赞。您参观过展览厅吗?我们大部分产品在那里展出,如丝绸、布匹和服装等。

A:Oh,yes.I had a look yesterday.I found some of the exhibits fine in quality and beautiful in design.The exhibition has successfully displayed to me what your company handles.是的,昨天我去看了,有些产品质量好,设计美观。展览会成功地向我介绍了贵公司所经营的产品情况。

B:Our silks are known for their good quality.They are one of our traditional exports.Silk blouses are brightly coloured and beautifully designed.They re met with great favor overseas and are always in great demand.我们的丝绸是以质量出名的。丝绸是我们的传统出口商品之一。丝绸女衬衫色彩鲜艳,设计美观,在国外很受欢迎,需求量很大。

A:Some of them to be of the latest style.Now I ve a feeling that we can do a lot of trade in line.We wish to establish relations with you.有些看来还是最新的式样。我感到我们在这方面可以做不少买卖。我们希望同贵公司建立业务关系。

B:Your desire coincides with ours.我们双方的愿望是一致的。

A:Concerning our financial position,credit standing and trade reputation,you may refer to...Bank,or to our local Chamber of Commerce or inquiry agencies.关于我们的财务状况、信用、声誉,您可向……银行,当地商会或咨询社进行了解。

B:Thank you for your information.As you know,we always trade with various companies on the basis of equality and mutual benefit.Establishing business relations between us will be to our mutual benefit.I have no doubt that it will bring about closer ties between us.感谢您提供的情况。正如您所知道的,我们一向是在平等互利的基础上同各个公司进行贸易的,我们之间建立业务关系将对双方有利。我相信业务关系的建立也将使我们之间的关系更为密切。

A:That sounds interesting.I ll send a fax home.As soon as I receive the definite answer,I ll give you a specific enquiry.非常令人鼓舞。我将发一份传真回去。一收到肯定的答复,我将具体询价。

B:We ll then make an offer the soonest possible.I hope a lot of business will be put through between us.那时我们一定会尽快报价。我希望我们之间能做成许多生意。

A:So do I.我也一样。

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