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O=Operator (接线员) G=Guest (宾客)

G: Is this the Holiday Hotel?请问是假期大酒店吗?

O: Speaking. May I help you?请讲。我能为您做什么呢?

G: Yes. Could you put me through to Mr. Hilton in Room 568, please?是的,能给我接通568房间的希尔顿先生吗?

O: Certainly, sir… Thank you for waiting, sir. I'm afraid there is no reply from Room 568. Would you like to leave a message?当然可以,先生……让您久等了,先生。但是恐怕568房间没有人。您愿意留言吗?

G: Well, I'm sure he's in the hotel. Could you page him for me?哦,我肯定他在酒店里。你能为我播音找他吗?

O: Certainly, sir. Where do you think he will be?可以,先生。您认为他会在哪里呢?

G: He's probably having lunch. Could you page the restaurant, please?也许去吃午饭了吧。您能在餐厅里播报找他吗?

O: Do you know which restaurant he is likely to be in?那您知道他会去哪家餐厅吗?

G: I've no idea.不知道。

O: I'm afraid we can only page the public places.那恐怕只能发公共播报了。

G: Fine. Do that then, please!好的,那就赶紧播报吧。

O: May I have his full name?请问他的全名?

G: Tom Hilton.汤姆·希尔顿。

O: Mr. Tom Hilton. Thank you, sir. Could you hold the line, please? Paging Mr. Tom Hilton, Paging Mr. Tom Hilton. Please pick up the nearest House phone for Operator No. 8. Thank you.汤姆·希尔顿先生。请您接听电话好吗?汤姆·希尔顿先生请去最近的电话间接听8号接线员的电话,谢谢。

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