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A: What a dazzling display! All your products look attractive.

A: 展品使人眼花缭乱,确实引人注目。

B: I m very glad you like our products. They are very popular with the users both at home and abroad. I m sure they will find a ready market in your area too.

B: 您喜欢我们的产品,我非常高兴。我们的产品很受国内外用户的欢迎。我确信在你们的市场上也会十分畅销的。

A: I am willing to give your products a try, but your delivery must be up to sample.

A: 我愿意试销你们的产品,不过交货必须和这里展示的样品相符。

B: Certainly. It s our principle in business to “Honor the contract and keep our promise”.

B: 当然了。“重合同,守信用”是我们经营业务的原则。

A: How long does it normally take you to ship an order?

A: 通常需要多长时间可以装运所订货物?

B: It s hard to say. It depends on what you choose and how large the quantity you want.

B: 这很难说,要看您所选的货物和所要的数量而定。

A: Are you sure you can deliver the goods on time?

A: 你确定你们能按期交货吗?

B: Yes, we can ensure you what we promise in the contract.

B: 是的,我们保证合同上所承诺的条件。

A: Direct business contact is good for both sides.

A: 直接的业务联系对双方都有好处。

B: Yes, I think so.

B: 是的,我也这么认为。

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