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产品的介绍是否成功直接影响着产品的销量,因此必须学会如何更准确的介绍产品。下面小编为大家整理的产品介绍商务英语对话 ,希望对大家有用!


A:Mr. Li, your catalogue says that you have more than 20 series with over 100 designs, right?李先生,你们的新产品目录上说你们有20多个系列100多种设计,是吗?

B:Yes. I hope this is a big enough collection for you to choose from.是的。我希望这些足够你们选择的。

A:Well, we think the Christmas teddy bears are cute. You know teddy bears are very popular here, and the holiday season is coming.嗯,我们觉得圣诞玩具熊很可爱。你知道的,玩具熊在这边很受欢迎,而且圣诞节就要到了。

B:Yes, I know. And I m sure our well made teddy bears will meet your satisfaction.是的,我知道。我相信我们做工精湛的玩具熊会使你们满意的。

A:What colors are they?都有什么颜色?

B:Say, white, brown, black, gray, yellow, pink, and aquamarine.白色、棕色、黑色、灰色、黄色、粉色和蓝绿色。

A:Beautiful colors. What materials are they made of?这些颜色很漂亮,它们都是由什么材料做的?

B:We have a variety of materials such as cloth, velvet, linen, flannel and so on. You can order whichever you like.我们有不同的材料,如棉布、天鹅绒、麻布和绒布等。你喜欢哪种就可以订哪种。

A:That sounds great. What sizes do you have?太好了。都有什么尺寸的?

B:Usually we have 5sizes, mini, small, medium, large and extra large. By the way, we can also have the toys made to customers orders. So if you have your own designs and ask for special sizes, please let us know.一般有5种尺寸:迷你型、小的、中的、大的和特大型的。顺便提一下,我们也可以按照客户要求去做。如果你们有自己的设计和要求特殊的尺寸,请告知我们。

A:Really? Are we charged extra for this kind of order?是吗?对这类订单额外收费吗?

B:Usually we don t unless it is a small order.一般来说,不收,除非所订数太少。

A:I see.我明白了。

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