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A: Thank you for your help during the exhibition, Alice.

A: 艾丽丝,谢谢你在展会期间的帮助。

B: It s my pleasure. I appreciated your way of doing business. If there is anything else I can do to help you, please don t hesitate to let me know.

B: 这是我的荣幸。我非常欣赏你的工作方式。如果还有什么事我可以帮忙,请随时通知我,不要客气。

A: In fact, there is something I am still not sure about.

A: 实际上,我还有一件事不太明白。

B: Please tell me. What is it?

B: 请说,怎么回事?

A: What should I do with the display items?

A: 我该如何处理这些展品呢?

B: You can sell some of the display items. For those that you cannot sell here, you can find a transportation company to ship them back to your country.

B: 你可以将一部分展品在这里出售,另外再找一家运输公司,将不能出售的部分运回国。

A: That sounds good. Which transportation company do you recommend?

A: 真不错。你能帮我推荐一家运输公司吗?

B: The organizers of the exhibition have already appointed a few transportation companies. Here are their telephone numbers.

B: 这次展览会组织者指定了几家运输公司。这是他们的联系方式。

A: Thank you. I will call them in a moment.

A: 谢谢你。我马上打电话联系。

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