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From where I live on the fog-shrouded coast of California's Monterey Peninsula, there is no easy way to go anywhere.We have roads with views that will take your breath away, hugging cliffs high above breaking surf, but few fast lanes.To go north to San Francisco, you take the Old Coast Highway, and then proceed to 101, a multilane freeway, which, depending on weather and traffic will eventually get you where you're going or drive you crazy.But the part I dreaded most was a narrow two-lane stretch of a road that connected the two.In the South, where I grew up, such roads are called cow trails, because they are frequented by farm equipment and vehicles that plod along at bovine speed.

Roads are like people; they have personalities—colored by how we see and feel about them at particular times.My husband Randy taught me this about roads.He was an athlete, body and soul.A high school basketball coach, he loved and worked out with his teams.He was a marathon runner who could run miles and not be weary.In 25 years of teaching he rarely had a sick day, and then he had cancer.

So we began another race down another road:a four-year-long marathon to Stanford University Medical Center for surgeries, radiation, chemo and more than a few emergencies.And to get to the hospital we had to travel those impossible roads — 91 miles, two hours.I hated every minute and inch.I especially hated that traffic-clogged two-lane bottleneck.Then they started construction.Randy never complained.But as he grew weaker, I tried to circumvent that cow trail to shorten our drive.I spent hours with maps and drove miles out of the way trying to get around it—only to find that there was no getting around it.I had no choice but to drive it — but I didn't have to like it. So while my husband slept, helped by morphine, I'd clench my teeth, grip the wheel and felt my stomach churn.Once, when we were running late for an appointment, believing he was asleep, I muttered under my breath, “I hate this stupid road.”

“Four miles, ”he said.

I looked over, his eyes were closed.

“What did you say? ”I asked.

“This part of the road, ”he said in his calm coaching voice, as if talking to a student.“It's only four miles long.That's easy.You can do anything for four miles.”

I checked the odometer.He was right, four miles exactly.I could have sworn it was 20.Suddenly the drive got easier.It didn't seem easier, it was easier.Four miles was doable and comprehensible.It was the distance we walked in the evening from our house to the beach and back.It was half the length of a pine-scented mountain trail he loved to hike in Yosemite, with a baby on his back.Four short trips to our local park to play catch with our kids.A fraction of the 26 miles he once ran in the International Marathon.Four miles was nothing— certainly not a space or time worth wasting in anger and irritation when he had only months to live.So I stopped complaining.Most of the times his eyes were shut, but mine were open.I started really looking.And there appeared green acres of artichoke fields that glistened in the sun or disappeared when the fog rolled in.Strawberries and roses in wooden crates at roadside stands, a dilapidated barn reflected in the green looking glass of an algae-filled pond.And there was an old white horse no longer able to trot, wistfully watching cars running down the open road.

Those things had always been there, but I had never noticed.Randy taught me how to see them.Losing a loved one can break your heart, but it can also open your eyes.Now when the road is snarled or long and hard, I break it into pieces in my soul.I divide it into four-mile stretches.You can endure anything for four miles —even find beauty and acceptance along the way.











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