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While some would argue that “holding onto the past” is costly or unnecessary, the preservation of historic architecture should be made a priority in China. Even if for no other reason, China’s historic buildings should still be cherished for their rich cultural and educational value. For instance, the Forbidden City, the Temple of Heaven and the Summer Palace are all treasures of the past, which make up the Chinese people’s identity and serve as a window into China’s history. Another factor that merits their preservation is the aesthetic value they provide to many cities. Specifically, historic buildings tend to be elaborate and beautiful, with intricately detailed ornamentation, vibrant tones and complex yet harmonious colors.

Every time an ancient structure is demolished, a part of history is lost forever.Unfortunately, it is too late to protect the thousands of hutongs in Beijing or Shanghai’s old cities. However, by making the preservation of historic architecture a high priority, there is still hope of holding on to the countless remaining treasures of Chinese history.




广州勤学教育信息技术有限公司©版权所有 粤ICP备10236336号-4更新时间:2022-11-03