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As is described in the drawing, a student fails in a knowledge competition simply because his answer to one question, though being 100% correct, is not exactly the same as the so-called standard answer. It is discernable that other students are quite puzzledby why "1+2=3" is wrong while "2+1=3" is right.

The drawing reminds its audience of a widespread phenomenon in the area of basic education in China, that is, educators stick blindly to fixed standards without allowing any room of flexibility or variation. Students are required to mechanically remember what is written in the books, but receive no encouragement to question, challenge, and disagree. Consequently, children's creativity is largely limited or killed, which exerts a detrimental impact on their future development, especially in the current society which puts so much emphasis on creativity, innovation and inventiveness.

As far as I am concerned,there needs to be a comprehensive renovation in the educational system, where new educational concepts, such as to inspire creation, are installed. Only by new teaching methods other than stiff memorization can we cultivate children into talents who will meet the requirements that society demands. Likewise, this new tendency would also benefit educators themselves to realize their own potential.





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