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×:I want to have a glass of the Pinot Noir.(我想要一杯黑皮诺)

√:Could I have a glass of the Pinot Noir, please?



×:See you.(再见)

√:Bye bye.

简评:see you显得太强势,应该是客人说的,而店员比较好用低调的 Bye bye.此外,客人说 Thank you,不必回答 You are welcome,这样太过正式,直接回答Cheers或 No worries 即可。


×:Sorry, I can’t. I have another appointment.(抱歉我不能去,我有别的安排)

√:That is a good idea! I would like to join in but I have another appointment today.



×:Please give me the glass of beer.(请把那杯啤酒递给我)

√:Could you pass me the glass of beer, please?(能把那杯啤酒递给我吗?)



×:Move out of the way.(让开)

√:Excuse mehttps://m.engpx.com/news/Could I get by, please?(借过)

简评:估计现实生活中很少有人犯这种错误吧,毕竟那句“Move out of the way”命令的语气简直不能更明显了!



√:Could you hold, please?(你能稍等一下吗?)




① 对别人的建议或忠告,多半不会马上答复。即使不想采纳,通常也会客气地说:You have a wonderful idea,but have you thought of it another way﹖(你的主意很棒,不过你是否想到用另外一种方式来考虑呢?)

② 婉拒别人的邀请,也是如法炮制。

Thank you for asking,but I have to do something else tonight.


或把Let me think about it.作为缓冲或推辞的藉口。



① 例如:假如上司带着埋怨的口气说:You did not finish the work when you were supposed to.你该做完的工作而没有做完。下属也会冷静地说:Yes,I forgot. I need to make sure I remember it next time.是的,我忘了,下次我会记住。

② 在遇到自己犯错时,也会说:I goofed it. 我做错了。

③ 在遇到自己笨手笨脚做不好一件事时,也会说:Gracious,I seem to be having a hard time. 嗳!我似乎困难重重!

④ 当学生上课迟到,老师质问时,他会说:

You are right. I need to allow myself more time next time. 是啊,我下次需要充分的时间。

⑤ 学生在上课时说话,老师要他先举手,他会说:I will remember next time when I have something to say. 我下次说话时会记得。

⑥ 遇到别人做错事,他们往往也会宽慰地说:Don't worry,this happens sometimes. 不要紧,这种事情时有发生。


西方人为了使对方感到乐观、积极、很少用消极语气(即句子里不含No或Not)。例如:I will try whatever I can. 我会尽力而为。

如果说:I'm sorry I can't help you.似乎较消极了。



① 比较多地使用虚拟语气,比如would (had) rather、would (had) sooner、would (just) as soon等等,或者在陈述句中使用过去式表示虚拟语气,或者使用if等引导的从句表示“可能性”。这样说话可以使人感觉表达者是在考虑达到最佳的结果或方式,尽量避免不好的结果或方式,或者推测可能出现的问题,并找出可能解决的办法。

② 往往在句尾加please,而不是在句首加please。当please用在句首的时候,语气听起来就比较强,听起来像命令。比如请求别人做某事的时候,我们中国人会说“请在周一前给我回复。谢谢。”但是如果你直接用英语说“Please reply to me by Monday. Thank you.”听者会觉得你是在命令他,一点礼貌也没有。而如果这样说:“Could you please reply to me by Monday? Thank you.”就显得有礼貌了。

③ 在陈述句的表达可能显得生硬、没礼貌时,尽量使用疑问句、否定句或从句,尽量避免自己的主观判断或武断,以积极的、建议的、比较的、人性的语气,代替消极的、命令的、直接的、武断的语气。

④ 说话要以他人为中心,以肯定他人、赞同他人为前提,让自己显得谦卑、渺小。说完之后,还要附带一句“Thank you”或“Thanks”。其实,这种礼貌的表达方式是来自古老的中国。这是东西方文化的共同点,也是为人处世的基本原则。了解英语中礼貌的表达方式,尽量让自己的英语表达更有礼貌,融入社会。


Conversation 1

A : Do you want to go shopping with me ?

B : That's a good idea . What time is good for you ?

A : How about Saturday morning ?

B : Sounds good .

Conversation 2

A : Can I see your parents some time tomorrow ?

B : Sorry , they are too busy these days .

A : How about this weekend ?

B : Yes ,I think so .

Conversation 3

A : What do you plan to do on Sunday morning ?

B : Nothing special .

A : How about going to English corner with me ?

B : Oh , I'd rather not .

A : Why not ?

B : You know , I am poor at English , especially spoken English .

A : That's why you should go there , If you don't dare to speak English owing to the fact that you are afraid of maaking mistakes , you simply will never learn English .

Conversation 4

A : Hello , I wish to speak to Mr,Zhang .

B : This is he speaking .

A : Oh , how do you do , Mr.Zhang? This is Mary speaking , I have a present for you from Wu of Beijing .

B : Oh , thank you .

A : Mr.Wu had told me that you were coming to Changchun. May I call on you at your hotel tomorrow ?

B : Yes , it's all right . Shall we say two in the afternoon?

A : Great . Then I'll be at your hotel at two .

B : All Right .A : How could I get there ?B : The hotel is near to People's Square . Its name is Bai Ju Hotel .

A : what's your room number?

B : It's Room 302 on the third floor . But I'll be waiting for you in the lobby , If you can't find me ,please page me .

A : I'll do that , Mr.Zhang , See you tomorrow .

B : See you !

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