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Some people think that the government should offer financial support and care to the elderly, while others think that people should save money for their future life. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.


It is expected that in the future the proportion of older people will become larger than the younger people in many countries. Is this a positive or negative development?


be responsible for 对...负责

A is the responsibility of B A是B的责任

be obligated to 有义务...

aging population 老龄人口

pension 养老金

superannuation 退休金

senior citizens 老年人

twilight years 晚年

retirement 退休

retirement house/nursing home 养老院



1. 政府养老是必须的。老人付出过奉献过,应该得到尊重和照顾。





Some people believe that the government is obligated to take care of the old, while others think that individuals should depend on themselves. From my perspective, these two viewpoints do not contradict with each other.

I absolutely agree with the opinion that taking care of the old is the responsibility of the government. The elderly deserves the respect and attention from our whole society since they have worked hard and contributed when they were young. The government should spare no effort to improve the elderly's twilight years as the status of the old reflects the degree of our civilization. To be more specific, apart from providing basic pensions to the elderly, the government should establish free retirement houses for the old. What's more, high quality private nursing homes should also be subsidized to alleviate the pressure of senior citizens.

Nevertheless, individuals should also try to save for their retirement if they want to have a decent future. Although pension is offered in most countries, the sum of it is not big. In fact, it can only cover the cost of living. If the retiree want a more enjoyable retirement, he/she has to save for his/her own. In others words, indibiduals should not rely entirely on the government's financial support. They should definitely have a back-up plan.

What's more, the young generation is also responsible for taking care of the old. Seniors could be encouraged to live with their sons and/or daughters, which is very common in Asian countries. Living in an extended family not only makes the old happier but also saves energy and resources as fwer houses are needed.

In conclusion, the government should definitely provide superannuation and other financial aid to senior citizens. Meanwhile, individuals should also save up for their retirement. In fact, looking after the old is the responsibility of every member of our society.



Some people think that the government should offer financial support and care to the elderly people,while others think that people should save money for their future life. Discuss both views and give your opinion.



Some people say that it is the responsibility for the individuals to save money for their own care when they retire. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


1. 首先,大众应该集体承担。举例,作为几十年的纳税人,老年人有权利在退休后享受到纳税带来的好处,比如说养老金。

2. 第二,公司应该承担。举例,很多老年人疾病的根源就来自上班,比如说长时间加班导致的高血压和失眠。所以,在退休后,公司有义务来承担老年人的医疗费用,这是一种对于他们的补偿。

3. 家庭同样应该承担。举例,年轻一代的整个成长都是老年人的功劳,从提供饮食和住房到教育的费用。所以,年轻人应该在经济上回报帮助过他们的父母,比如说帮他们缴纳生活账单。

Nowadays, one social issue about the sources of funding for retired old people has been controversial. Some people believe it is a completely personal responsibility and any individual should save money for the life after retirement. Personally, I believe this assertion overlooks responsibilities of the society, companies and families should fulfill, and my reasons will be explored as below.

The first responsibility of taking care of retirees should be placed on the public. Obviously, age pensions are an essential part of social welfare which is supported by social tax revenue. So, as taxpayers who make financial contributions to public services for decades, the elders certainly have the rights to enjoy this benefit after retirement. In addition, this repayment from social revenue also represents the fairness between paying and gaining, as well as kindness and morality of our civilization.

Companies are another social entity that should take a similar responsibility, especially in paying for the medical bills among retired employees. In too many cases, there is an inevitable connection between the work and health problems, for example, stress in workplace and frequent overtime work causing the high blood pressure and the deprivation of sleep. That is to say, a company whose positions directly or indirectly affect the health of employees in an adverse way should make a compensation for them after their retirement, by spending money on their health care, like buying lifelong medical insurance for the retirees.

Thirdly, families behind retired people should not be exempt from the duty of helping these elders, because the growth of young family members seriously relies on the efforts and dedication of the old generation, from nurturing them to funding their education. Therefore, according to social ethics, it is acceptable and indispensible for young adults to exert themselves to look after their old retired parents, through paying for their daily needs and fees of hospitalization and rest home.

Finally, I have to concede that retirees themselves should not be exempt from this responsibility, for the reason that this is a must to reach a balance between private and public costs. There is no denying that in an aging society, the expenses of pensions and medical care of retired people are incredibly high and far beyond the limitation of public tax revenue. If old population forces the public and companies to pay for all of their costs, then there will be a higher production cost of enterprise, as well as the lack of government budgets invested in other public services like education, health care, transportation and environmental protection, thus all of which might trap a whole society into paralysis.

In conclusion, my opinion is the care for the elderly is not a personal matter, but a social duty. In other words, the combination of public tax revenue, companies and families are required to solve this issue well.



一方:政府需要提供financial support

1、 政府有职责服务公众,特别老年人这一类的“弱势群体”

2、 老年人对于社会有贡献,理应获得相应的“回报”


1、 政府的帮助对象太多,可能负担过重,个人应当有所分担

2、 个人一定的积蓄可以降低风险,而不至于完全依赖于社会

3、 可以帮助个人形成一定程度上的节俭

结尾立场:两者都需要,priority可以视不同类型的国家而定Majority of human beings have been blessed by the peace and prosperity after Second World War which in turn has brought about the booming of population. Not only has the number of people been rising dramatically, life expectancy in most countries has also witnessed noticeable increases. That, however, poses dire challenge of how to support the aging population.

Those who call for financial support from state or municipal government harbor the perception that “government by the people should indeed serve the people”, especially disadvantaged ones like the elderly. Education for the children and employment opportunities for the young are among statesmen’s top priorities, yet equally important is the need of the senior ones who appear comparatively senile now but may have devoted all their life to the society, be it agriculture and industrial production or the making of policies or laws.

Opponents, in contrast, are concerned about whether the huge number of elderly people might have become “unbearable heaviness” for the whole society. Pension for an increasing number of retired workers could amount to astronomical figures, which is unlikely to be alleviated in the future due to the fact that many now will keep drawing the pension for more than twenty years. Besides, the fund spent on areas like constructing nursing houses for lonely aged people could add to the burden. Under such circumstances, individuals should take part of the responsibility by saving a certain proportion of their income before retirement or trying to stay in their position slightly longer if their health permits.

Personally, I would say government and individuals are never independent of each other, so confronting the challenging of an aging society calls for efforts from both sides. However, the priority might differ in various countries: while the developing countries need to invest more on improving the pension or overall welfare system, individuals who are enjoying the benefits in developed countries should try to save money for themselves so as to share the pressure of their governments.




Today, the proportion of senior citizens is rising at an ever-accelerated rate in societies worldwide, and plenty of elderly people are falling into poverty as they age and spend down their savings. Consequently, some assert that governments should totally shoulder the responsibility of funding retirees. From my perspective, individuals themselves must financially prepare for retirement at an early age.

On the one hand, authorities ought to subsidize aged citizens by sharing certain parts of their expenses. Apparently, those who have devoted efforts and made contribution to national progress deserve government’s financial support when they reach certain age (normally 60). Moreover, the state revenue majorly comes from taxes, and therefore it would make sense to provide retirees, the former taxpayers, financial support.

On the other hand, by no means should people completely rely on pensions. For one thing, population boom has greatly cut each share of social security payments. Thus, the monthly retirement income could hardly even cover the soaring medical expenditures, let alone daily necessities. For another, government’s budget is quite tight due to the ongoing economic recession. And there are too many urgent issues to be taken care of, ranging from education, national defense to environment and space exploration. Ergo, saving money by oneself is not only a proper preparation for twilight years but also alleviating state financial burden as a whole.

In my submission, I support the latter side since folks will never be better prepared for their retiring years than enough. As people age, personal savings and pension account balances are depleted. After a vicious decade of virtually no growth in economy, including sky-high unemployment, more citizens are finding themselves in their 50s and 60s with practically no money saved for retirement. So, in conclusion, instead of leaning on the government, people should better build personal retirement account when they are young.






With the ageing population increasing at a rapid race In countries around the world, the issue of how to support these elderly people is a thorny one that confronts governments. Basically there are two different views and this essay will discuss both of them in detail

Admittedly, one of the government's obligations is to guarantee a quality life for its general public and it is widely acknowledged that the well being of senior citizens represents the level of civilization of one country. It is not difficult to understand that people have a justification to enjoy a decent retirement when they grow old. since they pay tax when they work at a young age. However, it should also be noted chat this retirement plan will surly increase immense pressure on the government, since the financial budge is never unlimited. This is particularly true for countries where the aging population grows at an alarming speed and medical costs also soar every year.

Some people argue that people should save money for their retirement rather than rely on the government's financial support since these individual adults are supposed to support themselves with their salaries. It is true that in any country there are always some people who are usually better off than others and can therefore afford to maintain a balanced life and buy various kinds of insurance for themselves and need no financial aid from the government However, this proposal would make life very difficult for those who can just make ends meet or even cannot support themselves due to multiple factors like disability, unprivileged geography conditions, etc.

From my point of view, both suggestions mentioned above have advantages and drawbacks, and it is more realistic and advisable for the government to adopt the benefits of both strategies and work out more flexible ways to meet the demand of the growing grey population.





The population is ageing rapidly in many countries, and how to support them has been a problem. I think the majority of old citizens should save money for themselves instead of only relying on the government.

It is true that if financially supported by the government, elderly people can live a more desirable life. Pension can cover their daily expenses, and they can enjoy low-cost accommodations and nursing homes. These senior citizens no longer need to extend their working lives for survival, which enables them to enrich their life and live happily. For example, they can take part in some community activities, learn arts and remain socially active. Without a well-established pension system, however, many retirees have to live on a tight budget and thus lack proper medical care.

On the other hand, I would argue that senior citizens’ saving money can benefit both themselves and the government. They tend to live better in retirement, since with such a large ageing population to support, the government may fail to provide enough pensions for everyone. I agree that it is the government’s responsibility to help poor old citizens, but supporting those who can be self-sufficient through their own savings can be a waste of national budget. Getting released from the heavy unnecessary pension burden, the government is able to invest more in boosting the economy and increasing social productivity. This, in the end, can benefit not only old people but all citizens in the society.

In conclusion, I believe people should set aside money for retirement, and those who have a low income and fail to save money can be supported by the state.


Some people think that it is governments'responsibility to provide care and financial support for people after they retire. Others, however, think the individuals themselves should be responsible for saving money for their own care when they are old. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.有些人认为人们在退休后政府有责任提供保健和金融支持,然而,其他人认为个人本身应该负责攒钱以便在年老的时候照顾自己,你怎么看?

The elderly are considered valuable members of societies, and debates have persisted as to who should assume the responsibility of caring for this group-governments or individuals. Although there are convincing arguments on both sides, I believe a partnership between the two parties is a more appropriateapproach to this issue.(解析:开篇引出话题,并在后一句中点明了自己的观点。)

Advocates of governments' taking care of their senior citizens argue that governments, whose money derives from tax payers, have an inevitable duty to ensure a decent life of these people when they no longer have income to support themselves. If the authorities did not offer any health care or pensions, some people might not be able to sustain their lives.(解析:运用反证的方法说明政府关照老年人的必要性。)

On the other hand, opponents claim that it is solely a personal business to prepare for later life since it will be a disproportionately large amount of expenditure for the government, especially as a consequence of the increasinglongevity. Hence, the proposal could give rise to public funds deficiencies in other sectors, which would not only affect the retirees but also the entire society.(解析:本段阐述了养老会给政府财政造成巨大压力,严重的话可能会给整个社会的发展带来不利影响。)

Granted, access to medical care and support for basic needs is a basic human right, and as such it should be provided by the government. The provision,however, needs to vary according to income so as to make efficient use of public money. That is, for the deprived and the underprivileged, they should be entitled to free old age care; the wealthier, nevertheless, may as well be encouraged to takeout insurance policies with private companies to alleviate financial burden on the government.(解析:该段表明养老问题应因人而异,因贫富而异。)

To sum up, although there are convincing arguments on both sides, I believe a partnership between the two parties is a more appropriate approach to this issue. In other words, governments and individuals should share a collectiveresponsibility, yet the level of collaboration would differ from case to case so that the majority of the public' s needs could be met.(解析:结尾段阐述个人观点:政府和个人应共同承担养老责任,但责任的多寡不能一刀切。)

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