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1.How many people are there in your family?

There are four. There's myself of course. Then there's my younger brother, he's fifteen years old. And I have my mother and father who are both in their late 70s. I have two grand parents as well, but they don't live with us.

2.Can you Tell me something about your family?

Well, I've got two older sisters and one younger brother, so I'm right in the middle. My mum and Dad are divorced and they're remarried. So, actually I have quite a lot of stepbrothers and stepsisters, so there are quite a few of us.

3.What kind of things do you and your family do together?

There’s a lot of thing that we do together. My whole family always gather at dinner and discuss various types of stuff. I often take advice on important things from my parents, and sometime my little brother too.

4.Do you prefer to spend time with your family or with your friends?

If I were to choose between the two, I’ll go with my family because in many ways, my family are my friends and they are the ones who will stay with me all my life, whereas I don’t actually meet my friends very often, you know although yeah sometimes I have more fun with my friends because they are closer to my age.

5.How are you getting on with your parents?

If you asked me that question when I was at junior high, it would be totally different point of view. I mean, my parents, they had a list of things that they thought I need to become, and that I need to better myself and all, always compared me to another kids but it’s just like the story of the last decade.

6.Is family very important to you?

Of course it is. Family is the most important thing in the world to me. It’s the only thing that never turns back on me and it’s really all I have in the long run. Once I grew up and moved out and away, I more realized how important they are.

7.Would you prefer to have a larger or smaller family?

Actually, I prefer my family remains unchanged coz it’s the best now. Although I also wanna live in an extend family then family members can support and foster each other but I’m a bit worried about generation gaps which might lead to some unnecessary arguments, you know.

8.How many family members does your family have?

I have a lovely family and my family is the most important aspect of my life. I am very close to my family members and they are my best friends, mentors and supporters.

9. Do you like to talk with your parents?

I find it difficult to talk with them at least now. My parents just try to convince me to follow their footsteps, becoming a businessman and woman that could run in the family, but I dream of being an educator. So, this “serious” topic has become so hot every time we talk but I often get bored and find the way to leave it.

10. What don’t you like about your brother or sister?

What I don’t like about my sister is that she always let herself getting into trouble at school like staying out late or just being lazy. So that makes my poor mother and I have to try to turn a blind eye to some of her behavior, but it wasn’t easy.

11. Would you say that your family affects your life very much?

I’d like to say that no one could influence as strongly on my life as my father, an businessman. I followed his footsteps and joined him on the family company. He enjoys showing me the ropes that’ll helps a lot when I’m going to run my own business.


Describe something you enjoy doing with an old person in your family

You should say:

What it is

How often you do it

Who you do it with

Why you enjoy doing it with this person

I enjoy spending time with my maternal grandmother. She is eighty and has an opinion on anything and everything. My grandma is an energetic person. She has some age-related problems but she gets about more than my mother or me. Actually, there are hardly any temples in South India that she hasn’t been to. She is fluent in most South Indian languages and also possesses a working knowledge of Sanskrit. I visit my grandmother at least once a month. When we were kids, we used to spend the weekends at her place and then she would tell us numerous stories from Hindu mythology and keep in entertained for hours on end. Actually, if I am deeply religious today, that is because of her. She also visits us very often, and whenever she does she makes it a point to bring us lots of gifts and other goodies. She is a generous woman who enjoys giving food and money to the needy. The reason that I enjoy spending time with her is that she has a positiveattitude towards anything. Actually I have never seen her looking depressed or hopeless. She is great fun to be with.


Describe a family member who has had an important influence in your life.

You should say:

Who the person is

How long you have known him /her

What qualities this person has

and explain why this person has had such an influence on you.

In my life, there are several persons in my family members who made unmatched contributions to help me go ahead and among them my father’s contribution is unforgettable. He is the person whom I love most in this world and I consider him to be a perfect human being with his uncompromised honesty, bravery and responsibility.

I know my father from the very beginning of my life as he is the person who brought me in this world. From my childhood, he has raised me with his love, affection and mentorship. He taught me about the world, people and values. He helped me on my education and has devoted his life to properly raise me.

My father is an exemplary person who has led an honest life. As a high ranking government officer, he had many chances to pile up the riches but he had always known what the right things to do. The basic of humanity and the importance of education were something he delivered to me. He is now a retired person and leads his serene and peaceful like with contentment and happiness. He was a brave person who never feared the rough power of the society.

As a father, I would say he has done everything humanly possible to raise me and my 3 other siblings. He spent his entire earning for our happiness and necessity while he went through hardship. I learned the true meaning of life and started achieving some of the qualities he has. The person who I am now is mostly because of my father's devotion and dedication. To me, he is an ideal person whom I often mimic and consider as my idle in my life.

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