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Youngpeople should spend more time on cultural activities such as music and theatreand less time on sport.Howfar do you agree with this statement?

Key words analysis spend: 花费,一般结构式spend on 或spend in doing

cultural activities: 文化活动

such as: 例如,常用于举一些列举的例子

theatre: 剧院,在这里指在剧院的活动,如看戏剧


这是属于议论文中的argument类型,但是题目问的是howfar do you agree?此题可以从agree的角度来回答,也可以从disagree的角度回答,但是建议从两方面进行回答,给出它的优缺点,然后再在最后进行总结。

Possible reasons:




Model Essay 1 – Part 1


Some people think that young people shouldspend their free time on cultural activities like music, film and theatre.Others believe that playing sport is better for young people. In my opinion,both culture and sports are important parts of life so young people should do amixture of both.

Main body 1

Sport gives young people the chance toexercise, which is important for health reasons. Sport also teaches youngpeople about rules and teamwork. Cultural activities are good for the health ofthe mind and spirit and allow young people to be creative and experiencedifferent worlds. However, going to the theatre or learning a musicalinstrument can be expensive. Sports activities can be less expensive but can bedangerous and lead to injury.

Model Essay 1 – Part 2

Main body 2

In my opinion, doing only one type ofactivity - just sport or just music, for example - can be bad. Many youngpeople concentrate on one activity in order to become the best, like youngsports stars. This can put a lot of pressure on them and make them lessinteresting than someone who does a variety of things.


I believe that young people should have thechance to do a variety of activities and that a balance of sport and culturalactivities is best.


Task:Some people think that cultural traditions will be destroyed when they are used as money-making machines aims at tourists, other people believe that it is the only way to save such conditions in the world today. Discuss both sides and give your own opinion.

Sample answer:

The thriving of tourism depends on the integrated force, among which cultural traditions are one of the selling points that has been hyped by many travel agencies and the relevant participants in the sector. Although it is argued by some advocates that cultural traditions can be well preserved by the money from tourism, I take it with a pinch of salt.

One point that has to be made clear is that the diversity of cultural traditions will be undermined if they are utilized to cater for the fleeting need of travel industry. Only those cultural traditions which are popularly welcomed and accepted by the tourists will be given priority and be well preserved, and it means that the other counterparts bearing the same cultural value will be put aside to some extent and gradually sink into oblivion. In this way, the cultural traditions whose economic value are not so obvious are likely to be less focused on and only a fraction of cultural traditions can survive in the increasingly commercialized society.

Another point worth mentioning is that the original flavor of cultural tradition will be distorted. Once the cultural traditions are mingled with business, they are packed into more product than a pristine culture. To make the cultural traditions more appealing and eye-catching to customers, some information which has nothing to do with the tradition will be faked to ass more glory and grandeur and the original taste of the culture will fade away.

It is true, of course, the money from tourists’ pocket can provide the financial guarantee and support for the cultural traditions. More advertising can be placed on mass media to proliferate the cultural traditions, and the restoration and preservation of cultural traditions can be better ensured if there are more funding being poured into.

To sum up, the essence of cultural traditions are somewhat irreconcilable with commercialization and cultural traditions should be more conserved instead of be tagged with price.


1. cultural insights 文化视角

2. learn about the would 了解世界

3. a thrilling experience 一种令人激动的经历

4. abstract 抽象的

5. concrete 具体的

6. move somebody to tears 使...感动落泪

7. get relaxed and entertained 得到放松和娱乐

8. venue 场所

9. has its value 有其自己价值

10. inspiration 灵感

11. scope of knowledge 知识面

12. spread knowledge 传播知识

13. lasting artistic works 永恒的艺术作品

14. abstruse 深奥的

15. break with old customs 抛弃传统

16. carry down from generation to generation 代代相传

17. advocate the new lifestyle. 倡导新的生活方式

18. entertainment 娱乐

19. be different from … 与...不同

20. direct experience 直接经验

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