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Some people think that news reports in the media have no connections with people's lives.Therefore, it is a waste of time reading newspapers or watching television news programs. Towhat extent do you agree or disagree? 有人认为新闻媒体的报道和人们的生活无关,因此,读报和看电视新闻是浪费时间, 是否认同?


① 小布什在发动第二次海湾战争之前,让幕僚们收集新闻报道,其中就包含了凤凰卫视的立场,可见,媒体影响力之微妙深远。

② 新闻是隔夜就会馊的豆腐,而大众永远喜欢鲜豆腐。所以,新闻媒体人不易,报道既要有影响力,还不能违法违规。

③ 明星们有太多的油彩,难免招人嫉妒。一些人的阴暗心里是——你们有什么不快乐的事情,都发布出来吧,让我们也快乐一下。


① 媒体的教育性:媒体可以扮演教育者的角色,对缺乏新闻阅读经验者而言,他们无论是在常识或阅历上都相当地受局限。相反,有新闻阅读习惯的人却可从媒体中受益良多。例如,阅读国际新闻可以培养人的全球化视角,开拓人的眼界,更能培养人的分析性思维、理性思维、辩证思维。

② 媒体的信息性: 媒体是大众获得信息的重要渠道。阅读本国本地的消息可使我们熟悉最新的时事政治,很多消息和个人息息相关。例如,很多企业家每日最重要的功课之一就是收看《新闻联播》。投资者可以通过新闻了解国家最新的政策和市场信息,这样才能让企业的发展与时俱进。

③ 媒体的娱乐性:媒体是人们琐碎生活的调剂。阅读各类新闻媒体是很多人消遣娱乐的方式之一。《生活空间》栏目就是鲜明的例证,我喜欢了解不同的人生,“讲述老百姓自己的故事”让我在思考中感受快乐。


雅思写作语料库: 新闻媒体对于人们生活的影响


【首段】背景介绍 + 争议焦点 + 作家立场

Perhaps nobody can avoid being swayed byvarious mass media. The news media have beenexerting a tremendous influence on our lives becausethey can not only bring about glaring changes tothe lives of ordinary people,but even ruin a politicalleader. Some people worry that the impacts of massmedia are quite negative. From my perspective,however, what the news media can benefit us isgreater than what they might influence us adversely.


1. The news media have been exerting a tremendous influence on our lives because theycan not only bring about glaring changes to the lives of ordinary people,but ruin a politicalleader . 新闻媒体具有巨大的影响力,它们不仅可以给普通人的生活带来重大的变化,甚至还能推翻一个政客。

2. From my perspective, however, what the news media can benefit us is greater thanwhat they might influence us adversely. 然而,我认为,新闻给我们带来的利好远胜过其可能产生的不良影响。

【二段】 让步段:新闻传媒也许可能对人们的生活造成不良影响。

The opposite stand is also understandable. It is true that some paparazzi of tabloidmagazines like to publish details about those superstars’ private lives,which might bringuntold agonies to heroes of the story. Likewise, for the purpose of catering to the taste of thegeneral public, some editors of newspapers and magazines also enjoy deliberatelyexaggerating so as to create a sensation. Surely enough, such irresponsible reportagesshould be highly condemned. However, we have no reason to throw out the baby with bathwater.


1. Some paparazzi tabloid magazines like to publish details about the superstars’ privatelives,which might bring untold agonies to heroes of the story. 一些八卦小报的狗仔队喜欢发表关于明星生活隐私的细节,这会给当事人带来极大的痛苦。

2. Some editors of newspapers and magazines also enjoy deliberately exaggerating so asto create a sensation. 一些报刊杂志的编辑喜欢刻意夸大事实,以达到耸人听闻的目的。

3. Surely enough, such irresponsible reportages should be highly condemned. 当然,这些不负责任的报道应该被谴责。

4. However, we have no reason to throw out the baby with bath water. 但是,不分糟粕精华而全盘否定是不理性的。

【三段】 反驳段:新闻传媒给人们的生活带来的利好。

On no account can we underestimate the positive influences brought about by the newsmedia. First, the mass media can play the role of educator. As for those who lack the habit ofreading news, they are rather restricted in terms of general knowledge and the experience ofthe world. Conversely, reading news frequently can help us have a broader view of life and thustrain our dialectical mode of thinking.


1. They are rather restricted in terms of general knowledge and the experience of theworld. 他们在常识和阅历方面都很受局限。

2. Reading news frequently can help us have a broader view of life and thus train ourdialectical mode of thinking. 经常阅读新闻传媒可以拓宽我们的人生视野,因此,锻炼我们的辩证性思维。

【四段】 反驳段:新闻传媒给人们的生活带来的利好。

Also, various mews media can be an indispensable source of information for the vastmajority of people. To illustrate, one of the most crucial lessons of a great manyentrepreneurs is to Watch CCTV news everyday to familiarize themselves with the latestgovernmental policies and market information. Eventually, those amusing news stories can addcolor to the dull routine of every day life. I myself enjoy appreciate stories concerning thecommon people or mediocre life so that I could greatly deepen my insight into diverselifestyles and grow spiritually during the process of thinking.


1. Various mews media can be an indispensable source of information for the vastmajority of people. 各种新闻传媒可以是大多数人获得信息的不可缺少的源泉。

2. Those amusing news stories can add color to the dull routine of every day life. 有趣的新闻报道可以增加我们枯燥常规生活的乐趣。

3. I could greatly deepen my insight into diverse lifestyles and grow spiritually during theprocess of thinking. 我可以极大地加深我对于不同的生活方式的洞察,思考的过程也让我在精神上成长。


In closing, my stand is that various news media have and will have irreplaceable roles toplay in our daily lives, the influence, to large extent, depends on how we treat and harnessthem. It is rather groundless to simply say that their impacts can always be baneful


It is rather groundless to simply say that their impacts can always be baneful. 简单认为他们的影响是消极的是相当没有根据的。


News media have become influential to our lives, and some people think that is a negative development. To what extent do you agree or disagree?新闻媒体对我们的生活产生影响,有人认为这是一种消极的发展。你在多大程度上同意或不同意?


Certainly, the news media today have to adapt to many technological changes. Nevertheless, some feel that nowdays they play more pivotal roles in our lives and this is negative. Although I have my doubts, I tend to agree and will explain my view below.

Admittedly, there could be reasons for siding against this. Firstly, and most obviously, there are more entertainment options today to distract us from the news. By using devices such as smartphones and tablets, many users can spend hours listening to music and gaming, leading to them not only avoiding traditional media like television but also arguably being less aware of current events. Secondly, for those who do consume news, this could help them become better informed. My cousin Tom, for example, a first year university student, reads voratiously online, obsessively learning about global warming. This, certainly, has caused him to become more politically active and involved in community initiatives.

Despite this, I believe that news media have become more pervasive and this has had adverse effects on our lives. One reason for this is that they are, in my view, often influenced by the government. When this happens, such as in North Korea, the authorities can carefully censor the information their citizens receive, in turn, broadly speaking, silencing many critics. What this invariably does is restrict criticism and stifle democracy. Another is that news media ownership is, more often than not, limited to a small number of companies, which can creat monopolies. A good case in point is Fox, owned by the mogul Rupert Murdoch, as it covers a vast number of media channels worldwide. As such, it can push its conservative agenda to a large number of people, which is why, ultimately, it is more prevalent in our lives.

Overall, I believe that, while some people can escape the news media and they may be positive for others, they are generally difficult to avoid and negative.


The government should control the amount of violence in films and on television in order to decrease the violent crimes in society. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this issue?政府应该控制电影电视上暴力镜头的数量,为了减少社会暴力犯罪。你在多大程度上同意或不同意这个问题?


It has been suggested that the government should control the amount of violence in films and on television in order to decrease the rate of violent crimes in society. It would certainly be easy to garner support for such a move, but solely adapting such a policy will do little to effect social change.

The question has often been raised as to what extent media violence actually influences behavior. One can readily recount incidences of a child or young person viewing some violent behavior in a movie or on television and then trying to reproduce that situation in real life. It is hard to estimate the amount of violence which can be traced back to television shows or movies but the existence of such incidences is undeniable. Logically, removing this violent content should directly reduce the incidence of such violence but this relationship between violent media content and violent behavior is not so simple.

While much has been recorded of young people imitating media violence, little has been directed to the influence of sad violence on those who are able to differentiate the imaginary situations in movies and on television from reality. If one were to find no similar relationship it could be immediately surmised that the most direct solution is increased supervision of young people, and not themodification of media content. The degree to which people are influenced by what they see in the media depends directly on how responsibly they are educated about the relationship of fiction and reality.

Watching comedies does not transform one into a comedian, and watching violent movies does not directly make one violent. Rather than taking crude half measures to repair complex social problems, more focus must be placed on the nature of interpersonal relationships, social responsibility and personal accountability.

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